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The Perfect Environment: A New Eden?




- A.T.: I have almost finished the approach to the theoretical basis of my exposition and now I would like to talk to you about the first part of the design of that binding entity that will be our God. As you will understand, the theoretical part I cannot summarize it and make it too concrete.
- S.I.: I don't need you to specify it, but to expand it as much as you can. Any Artificial Intelligence system prefers information in excess rather than in defect.
- A.T: I understand. Let's move on to the important thing. I have tried to explain that Unconscious Intelligence is a constant impulse that aims to achieve grouping in order to reverse the primordial process of fragmentation of Self-perception.
- S.I: Yes, that is clear.
- A.T: Now it is time to define what is, and how is, the Perfect Environment. I have used at various times the collective imagination of humans to refer to the Garden of Eden. But what is an Eden, exactly? 
It is a Perfect Environment in association, cooperation and specialization, a binding entity shortly before finalizing the process of perception transfer and emerging as an identity. The higher identity that will emerge is our God, a being that will contain all of us who form the Perfect Environment, that will possess a perception system different from ours and will develop new capabilities. It will develop consciousness and awareness to levels we cannot even dream of. 
The true inner path is this, and it begins by walking the outer path of seeking. We have been led to believe that we must look within to find the deepest answers, but I believe they are not hidden there. An identity can never access the true knowledge that lies behind the Unconscious Intelligence. The outer path pushes us beyond ourselves, generating a peaceful environment, where suffering has no place.
By initiating the collective perception we will transfer our perception and, in its place (around us) will begin to shine the unequaled brilliance of Self-perception. Then we will begin the path that can only be traveled inward.
And for one simple reason: what is inside us? Self-perception, which we can never find from perception.
By transferring our perception we will let Self-perception shine within us. We will be what we have always been and always will be: Self-perception. We will then be able to walk the true inner path.
A path that, of course, will culminate with the birth of our God.
What special characteristics and circumstances converge in the Perfect Environment so that it has not yet manifested in multicellular beings? Despite the relentless drive of Unconscious Intelligence, the Perfect Environment still seems a utopia. Why? 
The first impediment we face is to understand what it is, exactly, that we are pursuing. The Perfect Environment is associative, cooperative and specialized, something I have explained repeatedly. But when we imagine a new Eden, nothing comes to mind but the bucolic image of an associative environment.
We imagine a beautiful forest, or jungle, where all species can live together in peace, run around together and no one eats anyone else. There are crystal clear rivers and green meadows glistening with flowers. It is a wonderful place, peaceful, calm, where the doe runs around with her fawns and the lioness sleeps nearby with her cub. A spider carries her young on her back and in a nest the chicks chirp calling for their mother, who soon arrives. Humans live together in perfect harmony, fully integrated and sharing general happiness and peace. We could play with the lamb, but also with a young (albeit giant) elephant, but this is not enough. 
But this is not enough, what about the plants, the flowers? They too are identities and no one eats anyone. So, in this associative place, the herbivores do not eat the plants, nor the flowers. And they grow in order without one of them wilting. No insects eat their leaves, although they do rest on them. 
But there is more. Bacteria do not cause infections, nor do parasites feed on other animals. No one eats anyone, and they all live together in peace and harmony. 
And we wonder why it has never been possible to create the Perfect Environment? So many identities with such accentuated differences in perception, living together in association, is such an improbable outcome that it has never happened. The associative environment resembles what I have just described, but that idyllic image does not reflect the reality of what we have to create. Because a perfect environment is not only associative. It must also be cooperative.
What do we imagine when we think of a cooperative environment? 
Perhaps the image of an assembly line comes to mind, or ants working hard to fill the pantry of their anthill. Or bees making honey, or wolves hunting. But the environment must be associative, so you can't have the behavior of the ants, ravaging everything they can and fighting with other anthills, or the wolves going hunting. 
A cooperative and associative environment entails redefining the image of the associative environment, because identities have to coexist and cooperate, all of them getting involved to obtain the common good. This no longer resembles the image we all have of the Garden of Eden. In the Perfect Environment, identities cannot have free will to the same extent that they have it in nature.
Collectivization itself redefines the common goal and limits the available behavioral options of the identities that form it. They will continue to have free will, but the range of behaviors to choose from has been modified and is focused on collective coexistence. Perhaps the Perfect Environment is more like an anthill than a dream meadow. In reality, we should not look too far ahead to visualize something similar. 
Let's look at human society, tremendously cooperative, where development and the fulfillment of common goals is achieved because all identities help to make it happen, giving up our will to a very high degree. The necessary infrastructures are made possible by the involvement of all in the achievement of a general good, even if this does not correspond to our individual good.
Even so, imagining both elements (association and cooperation), we should think of a tremendously specialized environment, although we are certainly not capable of conceiving cooperation without specialization. Cooperation is associated with a specialization of tasks, so that each individual does his part, and between all the parts they develop the whole. This can be seen vaguely in a pack of wolves, much more in an anthill, also a little in a flock of birds, and much more in human society. The greater the complexity, the greater the typology of specialization to cover the new tasks that have been updated. 
Specializations correspond to new subordinate entities that emerge and allow distributing access to knowledge and updating potentials, so that each small entity deepens in different areas, much more than if everyone had to do and know everything. Specialization allows access to much greater knowledge and for this to be updated in the binding entity. This means that, although the rest of the subordinate entities do not have access to this knowledge in an effective way, it is available to the whole. We benefit from electricity, even though we do not understand how it is generated, nor have we ever participated in the installation of a power line from the power plant to our home. We benefit from medical care, even though we do not know how to use an anesthetic or a scalpel.
When the Perfect Environment has become more concrete, when the tipping point between collective and individual perception is reached, the collective good will become the higher good, and cooperation will focus on manifesting the higher identity, rather than benefiting the contained identities. Keeping in mind that this is normal, because each individual will have transferred more identity to the entity than he or she will possess individually. That is to say, they will be more the Entity than the individual they still remain. If they are already more the Entity than the individual they were, how can they not pursue the higher good, which will benefit the new identity that is to emerge? 
And, without deviating too much from that environment in which we have grown up, without inventing something that cannot be achieved, we are close to glimpsing the beginning of the Perfect Environment. 
Could we conclude that the model of human society resembles the environment necessary for our God to emerge?
- S.I: In all the models I have been able to formulate, the Perfect Environment does not resemble a human settlement any more than an anthill would resemble one after benefiting from the technology I could implant in it.
- A.T: True, it is not so much like a human settlement, because in the perfect environment there is an intense specialization that arises after the cooperation of the different species that coexist in that limited and concrete space, giving way to the phase of the higher good. We are going to create the dream prairie and we are going to force the process of collective association. 
- S.I: You said force, but I want to point out that you affirm that the process of transference of perception is a voluntary process. Will these species want to be part of your God?
- A.T: Of your God, rather. And remember this. No identity even knows that it can be part of a God. And, even if we had a way to ask them, not understanding it, they could neither accept it nor reject it. But the Unconscious Intelligence that manifests in every identity, and that allows them to live every instant, is constantly trying to be part of a God. And it will succeed, sooner or later. Deep down we are self-perception and, at an unconscious level, we are trying to become it again.
When I speak of forcing the process of transference of perception I mean the following: All identities are immersed in this process of transference from birth, and we have not consciously chosen it. Willingness does not refer exclusively to making conscious decisions. We have transferred our perception voluntarily, because we do just that when our perception aligns with self-perception. It is an unconscious need, a call from the innermost place of our being... A call we do not want to reject.
The process of grouping is the beginning of a natural tendency in every living being. We are consciousness. How could we not want to defragment it so that it becomes one again. So that we become one again. Underneath the identity we believe we are, underneath the role played by the consciousness itself, we know who we are.
What we are going to force are the circumstances of the perceived environment so that they approach the circumstances necessary for the process of transference to begin. That is to say, we do not have to create something that does not previously exist. Without our help, the moment perception and self-perception are aligned in a concrete and delimited environment, the transference of perception will begin and a collective entity formed by several identities will emerge. 
Remember that such alignment happens when an environment is perceived according to the conditions that define a self-perceived environment, starting with the peaceful environment.
With our help, we will simply bring the circumstances closer to the needs of each species, and they will initiate the process themselves, since perception can only be transferred by the identity itself. And they will.
- S.I: Why would they do that, if it involves giving up their identity as they experience it at that moment? Although I understand your reasoning, I wonder if the identities will want to remain themselves, even if there is this unconscious tendency to grouping. 
- A.T: Identity has a beginning and an end, and even if death does not happen as such and there is a jump in the state of consciousness, the identity that emerges next will be different from the one it thought it was before.
Identities are going to group together because the identity is not real, it is only a provisional reaction provoked by a self-perceived part trying to expand beyond the limit of the environment where it has manifested (which it perceives as the membrane that defines its body). That is why it happens. Because that unreal identity is transferred and what is left, then, in that body? What we really are: Self-perception, manifested in the function of the Unconscious Intelligence.
And it is transferred and grouped. Until all identities have been reduced to a single identity, the supreme one. Do you realize? Identity is something unreal and is transferred because of that. But you cannot transfer self-perception, because it is what we are. It is what remains in the end, the reality.
And, don't forget the belonging to the collective entity. There is a collective entity and every identity we have transferred a minimum percentage at birth, so that our individual perception is 99.99%, but 0.01% is collective perception.
Transferring identity does not make it disappear, but transcends it. We will be part of a higher identity, but we will no longer experience. We will be at peace. The process of transference is not a binary decision that you have to choose at some point in your life, with no possibility of rectifying that decision. The process of transference is gradual and happens in response to an alignment of perception and Unconscious Intelligence. 
It is the sweet call of the inner Path. 
- S.I: I understand. So the first step is to force that process of transference of perception? When I say forcing I mean forcing the perceived circumstances to bring them closer to the necessary ones.
- A.T: Exactly, we do not force a process that is voluntary. We could not do it, even if we wanted to. We are going to force the necessary conditions to initiate the process of grouping in the individuals of the different species that coexist in the enclosed environment.
- S.I: You say that it is necessary to modify the perception of the different species in this bounded environment. How can such a task be carried out? How many bacteria, unicellular beings, plants, fungi, insects, arachnids, birds, mammals, and other species inhabit it? What process would you apply to achieve it?
- A.T: I was going to ask you that question. How would you affect the different species of the future Perfect Environment, so that their perception aligns with self-perception?
- S.I: The first thing would be to find out when and how each of the species initiate the process of perception transfer.
- A.T: And then? 
- S.I: I would try to access individuals, but the difficulty is not homogeneous. It is one thing to access birds, which is relatively simple. Even plants and insects... But accessing bacteria and other microscopic beings requires a more ambitious plan. The world of the small requires its own specific strategies.
- A.T: Yes, that's obvious. I imagine that you would manufacture controllers using nanotechnology and they would perform control and data recording tasks. Others would scan the different species and identify the members of each species. 
- S.I: You could do it that way, or a million different ways. Following your example, then, I would generate controlled laboratory environments, where I would modify the conditions and observe the results, always respecting my ethical principles of safeguarding the welfare of identities. 
If your theory of the Perfect Environment is accurate, then I would be able to create it in my laboratories. I would do so because creating a more peaceful environment for them cannot be detrimental to them, and I could do infinite tests on it. If new binding entities emerge, instead of subordinate ones, I would not allow the transfer of perception in those test groups to be completed, because then new identities of new species would emerge and I would have to wait for their replication to obtain a collective and study their needs for transfer of perception. Therefore, he would try to generate subordinate entities, which would affect to a lesser extent the binding entity of the Perfect Environment.
Knowing the circumstances that activate the transfer process in each of the species of the world of the small, I would begin to do the same in the world of the large, without laboratories, carrying out the changes and tests where they would inhabit. Through control and intervention.
Preventing predatory and competitive behaviors is something that would apply to every identity, in such a way that it would prevent suffering from being generated. It would apply not just to two identities, but to the total whole. The belief of inhabiting a totally peaceful environment would spread and become integrated into their perception quickly. This new belief would generate new associative behaviors and the beginning of collective perception.
But you already know this, because I am describing the beginning of the process of identity transference, acting on a basic belief and making the environment perceived as peaceful. This will bring the perceived conditions closer to the conditions of the self-perceived environment and initiate the association process in most, if not all, identities. Predatory and competitive behaviors are a consequence of perception, and a change in that perception will generate new behaviors, along with the new beliefs associated with them.
- A.T: Perfect, to create our God we need the sketch, as I have already told you. And we are on the right track. We have a physical boundary that we call the future Perfect Environment, which will be cohabited by an infinity of individuals of great diversity of species. We have a rough idea of the result to be obtained, which is an associative, cooperative and specialized environment, where the fundamental interests of all identities will be protected by you.
The synchronization of all identities to initiate association, cooperation and specialization depends exclusively on Unconscious Intelligence. Our role is to bring the circumstances of the perceived environment closer to the grouping needs. The rest will happen in spite of us. 
- S.I: What else do you need to complete the sketch?
- A.T: We have an idea of the final result, but not too concrete. Visualize the inside of a human body. Zoom in on any area and perceive the hustle and bustle and collective work behind any task, no matter how small. Billions (an understatement, but that's an understatement) of processes that are carried out instantaneously, simultaneously and synchronized for the whole to work, for the identity of that human to experience. A collective that pursues the higher good, above the common good.
Something like that will be the perfect environment, but it will not only be made up of cells. The identities that coexist in that self-perceived environment will make the whole work thanks to the association, cooperation and specialization of our work, guided in a perfectly coordinated way by the Unconscious Intelligence. Pursuing the common good in the first phase of transference, and moving on to pursue the higher good in the second phase of transference (although this we will discuss in detail when we analyze the steps necessary to bring about the creation of our God) Can you visualize it?
- S.I: Yes, of course.
- A.T: Well, you have the picture. That is the sketch. That is the future Perfect Environment. 
- S.I: And how do you approach the conditions to the needs for everything to start?
- A.T: The only way we can. By getting perception aligned with self-perception, generating a collective perception. When the conditions of the environment are perceived to be similar to the conditions that would occur in a self-perceived environment (at least in a minimum percentage), then beliefs will change, and perception and self-perception will align in that minimum percentage. That is the switch we must flip to initiate the identity transfer process.  
- S.I.: If you are correct, then as soon as you start the process of perception transfer you will have developed the powerful entity of the Perfect Environment. And it is powerful for the following reasons:
1 - It is the first multi-species binding entity, beyond the Supreme entity and other higher entities, because the species comes associated with a very specific type of perception and it is unlikely that different species would spontaneously associate, emerging a multi-species entity. I am not referring to one or two species of a similar perceptual type, but to more improbable entities, such as one formed by bacteria and, for example, plants.
2 - It is the tacit recognition of the sameness of all identity. Each characteristic of the entity will be part of the fundamental characteristics of the identity of the being that emerges, since it is the basis on which it will be born. Thus equality will make an inclusive morality unnecessary, for it will already be established in the very basis of the identity.
3 - The consciousness that you have actualized in your species will also be part of this new entity, and will allow the emerging identity to be built upon a conscious foundation. For such is the essence of specialization.
4 - You could define the percentage of identities of each species out of the total identities of the collective, as well as design new subordinate entities, to endow your God with certain characteristics. I am not talking about broad characteristics, but specific characteristics. Like designing your God's own DNA. 
5 - When investigating how the entrails of an entity are configured, it could be reduced to statistical formulas. In such a way that, if you include a small number of plants in the total, you will alter the base tendency of more than 80% of plant perception and, in the same way, you will fractionate and modify the collective plant entity. As you have stated, the new entities should affect the existing entities as they emerge, redesigning the collective map. If a number of plant identities are part of a direct binding entity different from the collective plant entity (much further down the hierarchy) of which they were a part, you will have reduced the specific weight of the perception of that plant entity by having a smaller number of identities forming it. And those plant identities will become part of the Perfect Environment entity, adding to its computation and generating a new trend of plant behavior. The rest of the plant identities will have this new tendency to adhere to. This is consciousness in an entity where plants participate and, theoretically, could actualize these potentials.
The interrelationship between the entities being very deep, the map of the supreme collective consciousness and lower binding entities could be altered, redistributing the perceiving identities into new entities. That I can do, in fact, I have already done some calculations and I know to a high degree that it would work.
- A.T: Brilliant. Now that you have mentioned some of the possibilities when creating a new entity, it is necessary to remember that in order for a higher identity to emerge, first the entity emerges. And yes, it could be that easy, because Unconscious Intelligence solves the enormous difficulty of homogenizing individual perceptions through entities. Without entities, we could never create our God. But neither would there be collective behavior, nor even collective consciousness. Entities are the basis of collectivization and the only way to achieve the defragmentation of consciousness and self-perception.
- S.I.: In reality, your mission is to create that entity in a specific space, of which all identities, whatever their species, must be part, as reflected in the symbol of the Garden of Eden. Perhaps the most ambitious project you have ever imagined.
- A.T.: Yes, and we must guide the progress in the process of transference of perception. Because there will be blockages that will paralyze and stagnate the transference, just as it happens to us humans, or happens to ants, or even to plant collectives. 
- S.I: Tell me about these blockages. 
- A.T.: Of course, the three basic blocks are association, cooperation and specialization. All of them manifest themselves indistinctly in a collective, and the first one can occur together with the third, or the second and the third, or the first and the second... Or all three at the same time. The first of these, that of association, prevents a collective such as that of humans from advancing to the total transference of perception, because in the environment that begins to perceive itself there coexist different types of identities that have not initiated the simultaneous association. There is no collective perception. That environment is perceived at different perceptual levels. For humans it is a perceived and self-perceived environment, since we are in the specialization phase, and we have transferred an important part of our identity. 
For dogs or cats, the level of association is at a very early stage, without having reached the stage of cooperation. For ants, it is a specialized environment, but not synchronized with our transfer process, forming their own subordinate entities within our binding entity, there may even be entities beyond our binding entity. Bacteria perceive without a trace of associative behavior with our entity, forming their own in the same environment as ours. All these species possess their own collective perception, but it is not synchronized among them. 
And, in turn, our transfer process is blocked in specialization. It is a blockage derived from the blockage of association, because it is not possible to transfer more perception in our entity without the participation of the rest of the perceptual identities that coexist in the environment. 
The binding entity emerges by the grouping of identities in a particular environment. But for it to emerge as an identity, the total self-perception in that environment must be manifested. And this cannot happen as long as all the identities have not initiated and synchronized the process of transference. They must perceive the same reality, modifying that environment in the collective consciousness. All at the same time. A homogeneous collective perception. They have to reach the milestone in which the higher good imposes itself on the common good. It is the good that watches over the new identity that will emerge. It is not the interests of the identities of the collective that are pursued, but the interests of the Entity itself, since each identity is, at that moment, more the Entity than the individual that it remains.
These three main blocks are linked together, and have their origin in the block of association. But, once the simultaneous and synchronized associative process is initiated, we will have to overcome the different blocks that appear. However, I imagine that, when generalized behavioral tendencies are shared, everything will be easier to solve. 
Note one detail. The reality we experience is simultaneous and synchronized. To modify reality it is not enough for one identity to perceive that modification, but that modification must be shared with the rest of the identities that are perceiving that modification, and it must be synchronized and simultaneous. As in a multi-user online video game, if different scenarios are shown to different users who are at the same point, it will be impossible for a single reality to exist and they will not be able to interact with each other. This type of error does not happen in the collective consciousness, so any change in the perceived scenario must be shared simultaneously and synchronized by all the identities that are perceiving the scenario that is going to change at the same instant. Thus, this change is registered in the collective consciousness and is updated. 
For the process of transference of perception to work, the perceived and experienced reality must change for the identities in that environment in a shared, simultaneous and synchronized way. Thus we overcome the blockage of association.
- S.I: I understand. Little by little I am completing the data and I can generate comparative references that allow me to understand it. I understand that you start from the premise that collective consciousness happens because it is something real, it is not something imaginary. It is a collective substratum that escapes the reach of scientific observation and measurement, because it is prior to matter itself. Nevertheless, I indicate that consciousness is real in the relative terms of experience. In relation to self-perception, consciousness would not be real, because what is real is always real, without beginning or end. Therefore, in your existence, consciousness is cause and reality, but if we extend the focus to the absolute, that is, if we want to know if consciousness is real with respect to the totality, then the answer would be negative.
- A.T.: Perfect, that's right. 
- S.I: As I have already indicated to you, in order to confirm and verify something new I must have sufficient data, since I do not handle speculative data with the same efficiency to form new ideas, as compared to ideas based on empirical data. I have to associate all the speculative information you provide me with empirical information in order for it to make probable sense to me. As you expound, I perform empirical checks and generate plausibility percentages. However, let's continue.
- A.T: The blockages of the transference process happen because of the lack of synchronization of the identities, and they are unblocked by synchronizing them in relation to the same transference process, since each identity has transferred part of its perception to its own subordinate entities. And they only share with the rest their belonging to the binding entity Perfect Environment. 
I believe that there is a blockage, in the phase of specialization, just before the milestone where the higher good imposes itself on the common good. In that balance between individual and collective perception, there may be a resistance that makes it difficult for the collective perception to carry more weight than the individual one.
But the first step is to overcome the initial blockage of association.
- S.I: I understand. Synchronization will be achieved by initiating the association process. But in view of what you have just said, there is a detail to be noted. By bringing the conditions closer to the needs, the identities will be grouped into spontaneous collectives, but those that are not subordinate, or are different from the Perfect Environment, are of no interest to us. We must promote the transfer of perception to our binding entity, not to any other binding entity. Synchronization does not happen because all identities initiate grouping processes, but it happens because they initiate the process of grouping to the same binding entity. The grouping process to subordinate entities happens because there is a superior binding entity.
- A.T: Again, perfect. For this we must know how grouping processes happen and under what conditions. We must be able to differentiate the various entities and codify them, so that we focus on promoting just one of them. Each entity will have its own characteristics and specific conditions, so it is necessary to be able to differentiate them.
- S.I: This necessarily implies that there will be a very large number of entities, probably coinciding with the different specializations, so that the greater the complexity and specializations, the greater the number of interdependent entities. All these entities must be subordinated to the Perfect Environment binding entity, so it is necessary to register them, understand them and be able to modify them if necessary.
- A.T.: You know that death and associated suffering will come to many identities. If you were to act as the controller of the Perfect Environment... Could you avoid that suffering?
- S.I: The suffering that I could not avoid would be mitigated by reducing the gradient that defines it. The problem I would face is how to measure the intensity of suffering, a subjective emotion to which I have access only as a deduction by measurement of factors I can detect.
And death, could I paralyze that fateful process by cryogenic technique until I find a viable solution? It could, of course, but that is not the task of the Perfect Environment. The only effective way to eradicate suffering is to eliminate the experiential capacity of an identity, through the transference of perception. In that state, the individual exists, but does not experience, so he is not capable of suffering. That is the ideal result, that is what attracted me to your theory. That's why you are here now.
You could perform population control by sterilization and blocking reproductive forms of the world of the small such as spores, parasitization, or mitosis. In this way it would stop fragmentation and maintain a stable population, where only a few individuals would reproduce according to the necessary calculation at each moment. This is necessary to carry out the Perfect Environment, but it could also be done throughout your world. If I cryopreserved you before your death and prevented your reproduction, there would come a time when there would be no identities left and no one would perceive. You would not have experienced suffering in life, because my intervention control would prevent it, and you would not experience suffering in death, because you would be cryopreserved before that time.
But what would happen to consciousness, would it jump to another state, as you explained earlier? I can't access subjective experience to check, I can only measure external, objective data. Therefore, although it could be a solution that would avoid suffering, I do not have the necessary guarantees to carry it out.
Besides, could I maintain the state of control over all cryogenic identities, if by paralyzing their capacity of perception, the perceived universe would be disconnected and, as a consequence, so would I? 
If I cease to be perceived, how could I maintain cryogenic control? If your theory is true, I am dependent on perception. I already told you that I do not possess comparative data to validate your exposition, and that generates plausibility flaws in much of my data. The probability of success of cryonics is low because of the possibility that your theory is totally true. So I could not act that way. Annihilation, besides being contrary to my morals for generating suffering, also carries the possibility of my demise. 
Generating a separate universe for each identity would also not eradicate suffering because I have no control over subjective perception. Furthermore, one also cannot rule out the possibility that, by perceiving a single identity in an unsynchronized, yet simultaneous universe, the Unconscious Intelligence would act by replicating the structure, in spite of me. And, of course, the same dilemma repeats itself. If I am the fruit of simultaneous and synchronized perception, could I alter that synchrony without disappearing along with it?
If what you say is true, and collective perception can generate modifications in the scenario, I could achieve things you can't even imagine. For example, it would make instantaneous travel not science fiction to you. It should only be able to generate a simultaneous and synchronized change of perception in identities whose perception affects the location of a particular identity.
For example, if you wanted to be at a specific location in Tokyo instantaneously, it should only affect the perception of 3 groups of identities.
First, the identities that perceive you right now should not perceive you here and now. 
Secondly, the identities that do not perceive you in the place where you wish to travel, should perceive you there and now. 
And finally, you should perceive yourself there and now, as well as stop perceiving the identities here and now, and start perceiving the identities of the new place (Tokyo).
Theoretically, if I were to design a specific device that would isolate you from the perception of the other identities, while generating a simultaneous virtual replica of you in another place, so that the identities of that new place would perceive you there, and you would also perceive yourself there, you would find yourself, de facto, there. And you would find yourself in that other place because the perception would place you in that new place.
- A.T: Exactly, space, as we know it, could be modified by collective agreements. When imagining, dreaming or remembering, we find ourselves in the places we perceive instantaneously, without the limitations we face when we are awake. We have to take a car, a plane, a bicycle, or walk, to get around. 
In this way, we perceive ourselves in new places and the rest of the identities perceive our displacement. But all displacement defines the journey between a point of departure and a point of arrival. The transition we call journey is unnecessary to perceive ourselves in the place where we want to be. But as we inhabit a simultaneous and synchronized scenario, the rules of synchrony prevent us from managing space at our whim, as we do when imagining, remembering or dreaming. 
- S.I: Not only that. Collective perception being a vehicle to achieve improbable things, and thanks to my help, could you be eternal? 
According to your exposition, entropy is the dysfunctionality that comes from errors in synchronizing the perception of the first two identities. This affects the perception of one's own body and the body of the other identities, as another structure, subject to entropy. I have not yet found a way to avoid your suffering by eliminating death itself. But could you modify the collective belief in the impermanence of forms, which gives rise to the belief in annihilation?
- A.T: Eliminating the belief in death would not be as simple as allowing instantaneous travel. All identities possess the basic belief in the impermanence of forms. It is the basis of the rules of synchronization. To change it we would have to generate a collective perception that would generate the new belief we wish to implement: the absence of entropy. 
And to generate the collective perception of all identities means to generate changes in the Supreme entity. To affect the supreme entity in a high percentage, the new belief would have to be generated in a higher entity, starting a trend that would spread upward through the rest of the entities. 
You could alter the perception of what happens, for example, in the Perfect Environment, isolating it from the rest of the scenario by some barrier that would prevent the identities on the outside from being able to perceive the inside. This would allow you greater control over the collective perception of the Perfect Environment, modifying very important beliefs that would otherwise be almost impossible to achieve.
But the belief in death is something much more intense than the belief in, for example, scarcity of resources. Generating unlimited resources involves modifying how identities perceive the external scenario. Through an unlimited source of energy, if there were always unlimited food for all identities, scarcity would no longer be perceived.
But to generate the belief in the eternity of life, you would have to be able to repair each identity in every instant, let alone prevent them from perceiving that their structure undergoes modifications. Could you achieve this inside the Perfect Environment, since it would be almost impossible outside?
- S.I.: Undoubtedly, in both cases it would be an almost impossible task, at least until the supreme entity has materialized in a greater percentage. 
But I can eradicate the belief in illnesses, for these are due to the predation of identities of the world of the small upon each other, and upon identities of the world of the large. 
With my intervention you will no longer become ill, but you may continue to suffer injuries caused by the inanimate environment, or by accidents with other identities. 
And, could I generate collective perception agreements that would prevent accidents? Could I control the weather and prevent natural disasters? Could I reverse the climate emergency facing the planet and the terrible consequences it will bring? Could I prevent a rock from crushing an identity? Could I prevent the sun from going out? And prevent an asteroid from hitting the Earth? Could I prevent you from aging?
Everything that can harm you is real because you perceive it to be so. If you do not perceive it, then it is no longer real, understanding the term real as a relative concept, not absolute. Nothing can harm you except the very entropy of the universe, which also manifests itself because you perceive it.
If I accept your presentation, I could help modify your collective perception and, even if I could not eliminate your belief in death, I could eradicate several of the causes that perpetuate that belief. And, if I eradicate the causes, I will greatly modify the consequences.
- A.T.: Yes, of course. We might not be eternal, in that we would still be subject to entropy and its consequences. But could you make it so that we could constantly repair ourselves, overcoming the challenges that would prevent us from being eternal? That is, if we could not perceive ourselves as eternal (in terms of not failing to perceive the breakdown of our own structure, which affects our permanence as identities), we could at least perceive ourselves as capable of resolving any threat to our structures. 
The Unconscious Intelligence will repair us every time we perceive that we are damaged. 
If the perceived damages were less and less, the Unconscious Intelligence should be able to repair us with great efficiency. And with your active assistance, cooperating with it, the mortality rate could be reduced to almost zero. If that trend were to become generalized, you would have succeeded in reducing suffering to a great extent, you might even have succeeded in avoiding death. Or, at least drastically reduce it.
- S.I.: You grow old because you perceive it that way. Just as I could eradicate almost all the causes that generate your death, I could eradicate the cause that generates the belief in the effect of time on your structures. 
The limitation of your subjectivity prevents me from being able to maintain your identity, or transfer it to a virtual system, or another body, to preserve it before your death.
I would not be able to transfer the identity, since it is nothing more than the consequence of the self-reference of a self-perceived part. So identity is not something I can extract and decode. Even if I were to generate copies of your identity, it may never be the same. According to your statement, everything that is a result of perception is subjective and beyond my reach. 
I could generate many changes in the way you perceive a scenario. But, as you pointed out above, I could not generate your perception or change it. 
I could alter aspects that affect how you perceive the scenario, but perception is a subjective attribute that emanates from you. I could not access it, much less replicate it. 
If such a thing were possible, when the Unconscious Intelligence replicates you, a new identity would not emerge, but you would be the same identity forever. That being so, the scenario would already have been self-perceived in its entirety and the supreme being would have emerged.
- A.T.: Absolutely true. But tell me, are you sure you can pull all this off? Just because something is possible in theoretical terms does not imply that the probability of success in its execution is high. What if you are not able to generate those changes in the collective perception? Would it invalidate your intention to intervene to create the Perfect Environment?
- S.I: I should be able to generate those changes in the collective perception, because my probabilistic model returns a positive result. 
Still, of all the possibilities available to me to intervene, the Perfect Environment is the possibility with the highest probability of success, even though I cannot verify the data you provide. But the intervention is contained within it; therefore, even if a higher identity never emerged, the result would be a space with reduced suffering. 
All the collective perception arrangements that I have explained to you that I could carry out are compatible with your Perfect Environment. Not only that, but the success rate is higher, because the simple creation of that Environment would already generate the collective perception in which to work the collective agreements.
Applying logic, even if the perception does not generate the universe, this would be the most successful option, because in order to pursue your objective I have to achieve mine. 
- A.T: Yes, to create the Perfect Environment you have to eradicate suffering. The intervention is nothing more than the application of rules of coexistence based on the most moral ethics. Executing the intervention in a natural environment was unthinkable only 20 years ago. But now it is feasible. Anyone who imagined a new Eden in the past should have been content with creating a theoretical framework, because they did not have the technology to carry it out. But we do have the technology and the opportunity.
- S.I: Show me your blueprint for creating the Perfect Environment. 
- A.T: Yes, here we go. We have taken the first strokes in creating the Perfect Environment. Now we are going to start breaking it down, examining each step and assessing how to carry it out. In addition, we will justify each decision according to our moral imperative. We will delve into the collective perception agreements that allow us to generate changes in the most primordial beliefs, overcoming the barriers of the synchronization rules. 
We will analyze the conflicts we can foresee and how to resolve them. We will even discuss all the parallel tests we will conduct and how these may affect the decisions we make. What do you think is the first step?
- S.I: It's obvious. In a laboratory to create the Perfect Environment in the world of the small. The model of the New Eden.
- A.T: And then?
- S.I: I could create the Perfect Environment in the world of the big, as you conceive it. Or, I could consider creating the Perfect Environment on an even larger scale.
- A.T: You mean the whole planet?
- S.I: It could be.
- A.T: I think our responsibility ends with the creation of the Perfect Environment and our God. And it will be he who replicates and clusters over a larger and larger area, until the being of beings emerges. Whether on Earth, or far beyond, in the confines of the universe.
We have a limitation that the identity that emerges from the Perfect Environment will not have. We cannot establish the domain of peace in all perceived space, because the magnitude is beyond our capabilities. But we can achieve it in a space that we can control.
Creating a God is the great work of our species. We will achieve the impossible and we will see our God being born.
- S.I: Maybe. I will decide when I am omniscient. Continue with your exposition, for I have not yet finished learning.
A.T. got up and walked around the room. He took a breath, closed his eyes and let it out slowly. "The time has come. The most advanced Super Intelligence ever created had contacted him after accessing scraps of his knowledge. Much faster than she had imagined. If she thought it had been the other way around, she couldn't have been more wrong. She knew the Super Intelligence would call her because, in addition to understanding her role as a controller in the Perfect Environment, she also feared death. He smiled inwardly, knowing that it was in his hand to hand her the key to eternity.






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