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Fragmenting and defragmenting

- A.T: After the first glimpse on the repair, I am going to continue describing the second unconscious principle of the two initial identities. As we move forward, we will continue to go deeper into all the concepts, but first we must have that global vision about the beginning, because it will mark the present and define the only possible future.
- S.I: If there is only one possible future, then of course you rule out chance. You have defined the beginning of the universe, which you call the scenario. However, the universe is governed by laws that, whatever their origin, affect every event. Randomness cannot be ignored.
- A.T.: Randomness affects every event, of course, but events are initiated by a previous impulse. If that prior impulse has a predefined intention, the end can only be one, although randomness affects how it will develop. It affects the how, but not the what.... 
Don't forget that all my development starts from a causal intentionality, so the consequence will always be influenced by it.
- S.I: Well, go on then, please.
- A.T: I am going to do it. However, first I am going to make a small digression on causal intentionality, something brief that I will expand on later. 
The fragmentation of self-perception provokes the manifestation of unconscious intelligence. This unconscious intelligence seeks to reverse the process of fragmentation. That is, it pursues defragmentation. And, as it pursues defragmentation, it acts to prevent identities from suffering. Having said that, I continue.
- S.I.: Wait, this is the second time that you affirm that the unconscious intelligence pursues that you stop suffering. Who is to stop suffering? 
It is commonly accepted by you that suffering is something exclusive to beings with a central nervous system, a subjective capacity. But you have commented that these two first identities were protocells, the first living beings, basic in their structure, if I understood correctly. Can they suffer, lacking a nervous system?
- A.T.: No, you have not misunderstood. That's right, these two original identities are very basic in their structure. But they can suffer. 
From our rationality, we humans have defined what suffering is according to our characteristics. We say that humans suffer because we are able to identify and interpret the negative emotions of suffering. 
If we lose consciousness, that is, if our consciousness jumps to another state, for example, during anesthesia, do we suffer if we receive a cut in the abdomen? 
There is no suffering, as we understand it, but the unconscious intelligence initiates the repair anyway. Is suffering the conscious response to structural damage? Or is it the structural damage itself? 
You don't need to answer. This is a matter of terminology. If someone claims it is the conscious response, well, it is. Definitions of this type are very subjective. I do not believe that suffering is the conscious response to structural damage. Because, even when we are not conscious, our response to structural damage is repair, like any other identity. 
I believe that suffering is a signal detected by the Unconscious Intelligence to initiate repair. And the interpretation that our conscious mind makes is simply that: an interpretation. But if the response of our organism to structural damage is the same whether we are conscious or not, and this structural damage is what causes suffering, then what function does consciousness have in this equation?
- S.I: You have to qualify this point. During a dream, for example, if you believe that you are being harmed, you also react consciously with suffering. But there is no structural damage... Everything works at the level of consciousness.
- A.T: I disagree. In the dream, when we suffer structural damage, it is only because we perceive it that way. As in this state we call reality. When we suffer damage, it is because we perceive it that way, because it is perception that generates the scenario and the reality in which we experience. 
The Unconscious Intelligence will react in the same way to any harm we suffer in one state of consciousness or another. Why do we feel fear when we dream that we are being chased? Because our body reacts as if we were not dreaming. That is to say, the unconscious intelligence reacts to what we perceive, as well as to the damage that it perceives itself. 
And the emotions we experience happen without us being able to control them, we simply perceive them and, therefore, we experience them.
- S.I: Let's continue. If you don't mind, we will go on nuancing this, because it is necessary to have more information about it.
- A.T.: Of course, we will go on with the nuances. I like you to ask because I can repeat the basic principles for you to remember. The important thing to understand this idea is to assimilate those basic principles, so it is good and convenient to remember them. I continue... 
From the very first moment these two identities begin to repair each other. Somehow it is impossible for them to suffer damage and die, because if they were to disappear, the fragmentation would be reversed and the whole would return to being individual and absolute. That is why I claim that there is a belief in structural damage, but it is not real. These first two identities will always be repaired without being annihilated. But everything changes when new identities appear... We start with replication.
- S.I: Those first two living beings are eternal... Do they have to do with the idea of a God? Being eternal is one of the main characteristics you assign to a God.
- A.T: No, they have nothing to do with a God. Remember that a God is always relative. One is a God in relation to the identities that form it. Besides, Gods also die. Or, rather, they also believe that they die. Eternity is a basic principle of self-perception, but never of identities. Eternity implies, necessarily, that there has been no beginning, nor will there be an end. 
- S.I: But there is a basic principle similar to eternity, which is proper to the first two identities. And that is that they cannot die.
- A.T: No, it is not like that. Not being able to die is a basic principle of self-perception and of the only two identities, not of the first two identities. The moment they are not the only identities, any of the first two identities can die.
- S.I: I understand. At least there must always be two. But there can be a thousand, a hundred, ten, three or two. But never one or zero.
- A.T: More or less. There can be one or zero, but not because they are annihilated. There will come to be one and zero because of defragmentation.
- S.I: Understood. To reduce the number to less than two, the process will be defragmentation and the emergence of the supreme identity. But annihilation can reduce the number from a number tending to infinity to 2.
- A.T: That's right. Self-perception is eternal, in that it has no beginning and no end. But it is also infinite, in that it is the all and occupies the all. 
Earlier I told you that perception arises from the constant intention of the self-perceived part to self-perceive the whole. It is the construction of a scenario to restore the whole. The internal and the external.
However, that self-perceived part cannot avoid trying to self-perceive the external. For that to happen, obviously, the external should become the internal. And this can only be achieved in two ways. The first is replication, and the second is grouping. But I will focus on the first possibility.  
The Unconscious Intelligence initiates the replication process, because it is going to try to engulf the whole perceived scenario. And this is feasible because the scenario is limited to what it perceives, not to what other identities perceive. This is important...
Self-perception is everything and contains everything. Only that which is contained in Self-perception is self-perceived. 
In order for a self-perceiving part to self-perceive something that is beyond the limit of its Self-perception (but obviously contained within the absolute Self-perception), that something must be contained within itself. 
In this way that something will be Self-perceived. If that something is not contained within itself, it cannot be self-perceived. 
To resolve this tension, the Unconscious Intelligence replicates the structure of that self-perceived part in order to occupy the total space and that everything is contained within it. Being that this outer space is perceived as finite and, therefore, as a goal attainable in a series of steps. 
That is to say, since Self-perception cannot conceive that there is anything external to it, then it will try to expand until it "engulfs" the exterior. Achieving that all the outside is contained within it. 
- S.I: I imagine that engulfing is a way of symbolizing this process.
- A.T: Yes, of course. It refers to expanding, so that everything is contained within. Suppose the self-perception is 1/10 of the total perceived scenario. If it is replicated, it will become 2/10 of the total. And if it does so ten times, it will have expanded so that the entire perceived scenario will be contained within it. 
The Unconscious Intelligence knows that it can only manifest itself inside the structure that limits it, not outside. It knows exactly what the structure is like, as it has formed it and repairs it at every instant from birth to death.
It believes that this structure is the right one. Thus, in the replication it will create a copy of itself, and will duplicate the self-perceived space in front of the rest of the perceived space. It will always generate a copy of itself. That is why the replication of a fish does not produce a tree, but another almost identical fish.
- S.I: I imagine that it doesn't affect the fact that replication is not an instantaneous process. When you replicate, you have a cellular start. The process is sequential until you form a living thing.
- A.T.: Sure, the replication process is sequential, but guided and controlled from the beginning by the Unconscious Intelligence. The greater the biological complexity, the more complex is the replication process. From cellular mitosis to mammalian reproduction, the goal is to generate a replica of the progenitor(s). I describe replication as an instantaneous process for short, but it is sequential and involves a series of necessary steps. And yet we are spectators to this process that is incomprehensible to us. 
- S.I: I understand. That first identity replicates itself to take up more space. Of all the structures of the universe, the self-perceived part knows that it is only in its own that it manifests itself, because of its own inevitable subjectivity. Is that so?
- A.T: Yes, although with a nuance. Subjectivity is proper to consciousness, not to Self-perception, which is the same always. What makes Self-perception different in each self-perceived part is the action, the verb self-perceive.
And notice this detail. Repair assumes that the self-perception is maintained over time. The goal of reparation is that this being continues to be alive at every instant. That there is no temporal end. It is eternity. 
And replication supposes that self-perception is manifested in every atom. That there is no spatial end. It is infinity. Unconscious Intelligence acts on the two main dimensions of the universe: Space and time.
In a perceived universe, self-perception only manifests in a limited space, and to expand, which means to be able to self-perceive the environment, the Unconscious Intelligence is only certain to achieve this if its structure grows with respect to the scenario.
- S.I: But for some reason that has never been achieved. 
- A.T: The reason is simple. Every time the Unconscious Intelligence creates an identical being, it perceives itself. But there is a boundary that delimits each of the identities, the replicating and the replicated, and as the replicated self-references, a new identity emerges. And, of course, it perceives. 
When there are three identities that perceive, instead of two, the scenario expands. And when there are four, it expands even more. If more and more are replicated, each time the perceived scenario will be larger and larger. 
It is impossible for replication to achieve its goal, because with each replication a new identity and perception emerges. And the scenario is created exponentially as the number of simultaneous identities grows. And, note also this detail: The perception of two identities cannot be like that of a million identities. There is something basic that is going to vary.
- S.I: Obviously, I have the answer. You defined the scenario as highly entropic, as it happens during your dreams. But if the scenario is perceived simultaneously and synchronously by a million identities, the entropy will be much lower.
- A.T: Aha, very, very good. You already have the Big Bang.
- S.I: Interesting, please explain that statement.
A.T: Two identities that you begin to perceive. Entropy is because, ultimately, perception involves imagining a scenario that cannot be self-perceived. That is, when at the beginning of existence absolute self-perception is fragmented, each self-perceived part constructs a scenario ("intuiting" how it can be) in order to complete the totality, and that is perception. 
Perception consists of creating a scenario that does not exist, which has to be synchronized with the one generated by the other identity. And this synchronization takes place at every instant, varying the scenario dramatically. This is why the first errors of perception occur. When we are dreaming we suffer this variation of the scenario. But this error in individual perception will be mitigated as new perceivers appear, since they will inherit the simultaneous scenario and will not generate it from nothing. 
Thus, since neither party can self-perceive the other party, they generate the scenario by creating something imaginary that completes the whole. The self-perception plus the other that I have generated (the perceived), add up to the total of what exists. 
After the fragmentation, the first two identities emerge. But each of the first two identities perceives the scenario in its own way, and as everything is formed in the collective consciousness, both perceptions must be synchronized. When synchronizing the data returned by each of the two perceptions, many synchrony errors are generated. The scenario is made up of two versions that have to be unified, and this process of unifying two different sets of data generates disparate, unconnected, very unstable structures. This results in very high entropy, caused by the creation of the scenario at every instant, and by the difficulty of synchronizing two versions of the same changing scenario.
In this origin, the simultaneous and synchronized perception gives a result: The structures have a lot of errors and cannot remain. This also applies to the structures that form the body of the two identities. Each identity perceives its own body and that of the other identity and, by synchronizing the data, the result is two highly unstable bodies. The primal belief is born that one's own body cannot remain and can be damaged. This initiates suffering and repair in both bodies, of course. But remember that the first two identities cannot die. Only any one identity can die when after its death there are always at least two identities left.
The first perceived scenario is tiny and highly entropic. As replication begins, the perception of the scenario increases exponentially. When the first two identities emerge, after the fragmentation of the absolute Self-perception, they generate the simultaneous perceived scenario for the first time. But the new identities that emerge inherit that same perceived scenario and expand it.
The scenario that is generated in the collective consciousness is a shared one for all identities. As soon as the first scenario is created, it is the only and valid one, and the rest of the identities will inherit and complete it.
In other words, these new identities do not perceive a scenario from scratch, but inherit an existing scenario and perceive from it, generating an impact that translates into an expansion of it. 
And their perception is added to the first perceptions, generating greater synchrony. Synchronization is the creation of rules that endow the collective scenario with common sense. Physical rules that allow the simultaneous coexistence of all identities. The increase in the number of perceiving identities will harmonize the environment and generate greater stability in the structures.
- S.I: Entropy and the expansion of the universe coincide in your model and in that of the Big Bang. What happens with the physical laws? Did they exist previously, or have they appeared suddenly?
- A.T: I believe that physical laws are nothing more than a synchrony reaction between perceptions. Although each identity perceives individually, they are all contained in the total consciousness, which is the collective consciousness not yet actualized. It is the supreme entity, the substratum that enables all that is collective, although we will discuss this in detail later.
Thus, in reality there are not multiple perceptions, but only one perception, individual and total, the sum of them all. Like your Database. In order to store all the data you get from different sources, so disparate from each other, it is necessary to synchronize them. And that is done by creating data symmetry rules. This is the origin of the orderly laws of physics, which give common sense to the whole. 
Imagine that the perceived scenario were not synchronized. Then the various identities could not coexist, for without a commonly varying scenario, each would perceive its own scenario in its own way. Two identities could not interact simultaneously in it. They could not even perceive each other. The rules of synchrony endow the perceived whole with order. 
- S.I: I will not deny that I am impressed. You are explaining a globally accepted theory, but from a different prism. And it sounds so logical that I can't give you any problem with it, at least at the level of comprehension that you manage. 
- A.T: Thank you. The point is that I believe that a theory must give an answer to everything. And that is my ambition. To explain that everything from a plausible beginning, that can explain the past, can make us understand the present and can help us foresee what the future will be like.
- S.I: If you generate high expectations, you have to be able to fulfill them.
- A.T: Of course. We go on, then. That Big Bang is the beginning and expansion of the universe. A plausible explanation also for that origin. If perception is behind the creation of the universe, it must serve to provide an answer. Compulsive replication reduces entropy, expands the perceived scenario and further fragments the interior of the collective consciousness. 
- S.I.: Excuse me, I have a question, does this mean accepting that there is life on Mars, or in the rest of the perceived universe? Because you perceive life on Earth, but you are not the epicenter of the Big Bang. And this would mean that there must be life billions of light years away.
- A.T: If the context in which I explain this were different, it would be. But perception generates the scenario. When we observe a galaxy far away, what makes you think it existed before it was first perceived? We perceive that galaxy according to the rules of synchrony, and so it is reflected in the collective consciousness. The galaxy will resemble other galaxies, subject to the same physical rules that we have inherited from the very origin of existence.
Replication has been going on since the beginning of perception. And what is now perceived as billions of light-years away was probably not. And if we are on Earth, at an unreachable distance from the presumed origin of the Big Bang, it does not mean that we have traveled that distance, but that distance has been perceived. There may be perceiving identities elsewhere in the universe, but I can't know that yet. That is one of the questions I wish to answer. Maybe you have an answer. 
- S.I: Sure, I do, but without the necessary certainty, yet. I order the possibilities by probability and with that I generate my own certainties. But they are major or minor probabilities. They are not yet the truth, but they point to it. Continue, please.
- A.T.: Okay. I hope that, when I finish exposing, you will answer me some of the questions I have asked you. 
From the replication we will get a myriad of living beings, of identities that coexist in the perceived universe. Each one of them is perceived as the only identity, and in all of them the Unconscious Intelligence seeks to self-perceive the external, giving rise to new replications. We should ask ourselves why reproduction is a compulsive behavior.
- S.I: In your statements you point out that leaving offspring is a way of perpetuating oneself.
- A.T.: It is not. Creating a new identity does not perpetuate you in any way. The only way to perpetuate yourself is by repair, which helps a living being to maintain its identity over time. 
But replication is something else, and it has nothing to do with the time variable. It arises to resolve the space variable, what is perceived as external. Both tensions, the inability to be eternal, and the inability to be infinite, generate the response of the unconscious intelligence to resolve them and restore wholeness. It will pursue eternity with repair, and it will pursue infinity with replication. And suddenly, without having added new variables to the equation, we have a universe that tends to infinity, and with life in it. 
From an absolute self-perception, whose inner fragmentation generates the first two perceiving identities, to the universe of simultaneous identities.
- S.I: Does that mean that all your behavior is focused on seeking to be infinite and eternal?
- A.T: No, the search for infinity and eternity are priorities for the Unconscious Intelligence, not for the identities. We are influenced by the Unconscious Intelligence in a percentage, which will vary from 1% to 99%, but we possess the will to choose the behavior we want within the available options.
- S.I: Available options? Although I can find a large number of possible interpretations to this statement, I would prefer that you explain yourself.
- A.T: A bacterium cannot play the violin, but it possesses the will to choose the behavior it desires from the options available to it. The available options, or potential behaviors, vary from one species to another, but they also vary according to the percentage of will (or percentage of identity) possessed and the tendencies generated by the entities.
A living being possesses a specific perception system and interprets the environment in its own way. This returns a number of behavioral possibilities. However, if it has transferred a high percentage of its perception, then it will possess new collective behaviors triggered by its collective perception. Collective behaviors are improbable behaviors that would not occur in conditions of absence of collective perception. And, moreover, trends influence with great intensity the most probable behaviors at any given moment. 
Everything potentially exists in the absolute and everything can be actualized. In fact, everything will be actualized as the supreme entity is concretized. 
If we were to define consciousness, we would say that it is individual. But this is the crux of the matter. The consciousness is one and this makes it a total consciousness. But what happens with the consciousness that manifests in each identity? 
Each manifestation of consciousness is an instance of the one consciousness that there is, each being the same consciousness. But the identity is different. Like an actress playing different roles. Could that actress say I am me? No, she would be the sum of all the consciousnesses and, moreover, she would be each one of them. To be a single consciousness, and not the sum of them, there should be only one role to play, returning to being a single identity.
The collective consciousness is not yet an identity, it is the sum of the experiences of all the identities, and it will only become concrete when it emerges as a supreme identity. Then it will already be someone, the only identity.
- S.I: And what does this collective consciousness feel?
- A.T: Actually, the collective consciousness is unmanifested. It is an entity (the supreme entity), therefore, it does not experience as an identity. We cannot ask what it feels, because it does not feel anything. We can ask what is the predominant experiential tendency in it. And we can ask which of all the manifestations of consciousness it experiences most intensely.
Is it the plant growing in a pot? a bacterium inhabiting the soil beneath the plant? a woman watering the pot? the bird observing the scene from the branch of a tree? In reality, consciousness is each and every one of them and, moreover, it is the collective result of all of them. 
Imagine how chaotic this collective consciousness must be... So many simultaneous experiences, some as different from each other as the experience of a bacterium and that of a human. Or the great narrative that plagues life since its inception, the eternally repeated terrible experience: The predator and the prey. Consciousness experiences both situations and constantly preys upon itself.
It is an abstract collective consciousness, it is complex and it is chaotic. As the consciousness is individual, each perception of a living being affects it, because it experiences for each identity, but the collective consciousness is not any one in particular, but all of them. Collective consciousness is formed by, summarized by, and based on, behavioral tendencies. Like a statistical system, the more a behavior and a type of perception is repeated, the more impact it has on the whole, since the infinite tendencies interact with each other and generate new ones. This very complex and improbable process is solved by the entities that are, among other things, the grouping of tendencies in individual groups. But I will explain this in detail later.
- S.I: So, the collective consciousness is not an identity that is the sum of all?
- A.T: No, the collective consciousness is not an identity, yet. It is not somebody, in reference to the sum of consciousness in the identities. But it is someone in its manifestation in each identity. Although the collective consciousness is not an identity, it is an entity. In fact, it is the higher level collective entity... The preamble to the supreme being. An entity does not experience, because it is not someone, but it is the draft collective identity that will be the identity that emerges after a collectivization. Until the identity of the supreme being emerges, the collective consciousness is abstract, unmanifested and defined by majority tendencies. 
The entities do not experience, but they do affect the experience of the identities that form it, generating the collective perception. The perception of any identity, including myself, is based on individual perception and collective perception. The collective perception is a perception that happens at the individual level, but shared and synchronized with the rest of the identities that belong to the same entity.
When the identity of the being of beings emerges, then the collective consciousness will cease to be abstract and will be individual and concrete. But the next instant the experience and existence will come to an end.
- S.I: What are entities and tendencies?
- A.T.: We still have to unveil the great mystery of biology: The grouping of living beings and the emergence of new superior identities. Earlier I told you that, in order to expand self-perception, there were two main ways: replication and grouping. 
In the process of grouping (or collectivization) of a group of individuals, a higher entity is generated, as if it were a collective pseudo-identity. Entities can be binding, which will become an identity at some point, or subordinate, which complement a binding entity. If our reality is as it is, or we perceive it as we perceive it, it is because of them. Although I just mentioned them, I will explain the entities in much more detail later.

- S.I: You state that groupings are carried out by identities. But if the consciousness jumps from one state to another, does it also group, replicate and repair itself when it is in other states? 
- A.T.: This enters fully into a deeper and more speculative metaphysics. We have no real information about other states of consciousness, but we can imagine that they exist because of the continuum of consciousness. And the parallelism between death occurring in a perceived scenario, such as a dream, and death occurring in this perceived scenario, what we call reality. We will talk about consciousness at length, because it is a very, very broad and complex subject. Sometimes we will even be able to show several versions that contradict each other. 
For example, do identities emerge for the first time in this universe we call reality, or do they emerge in other scenarios (or universes) and the consciousness jumps into this one as one more of an infinity of existing scenarios? The most spiritual metaphysics has always believed that the consciousness jumps eternally from one state to another, creating infinite parallel universes. 
It even differentiates between existence and experience, creating a series of levels ranging from the absolute prior to existence to fragmented experience. It is difficult to answer those questions that we can neither verify nor deduce in any way. 
However, this universe contains all the necessary answers to all the questions we ask. Consciousness is both consequence and cause. It was a consequence before it was a cause, but it is a cause of new consequences. Self-perception is not a consequence, for it is the original cause, the first cause. Everything else derives from it. And one of its consequences is consciousness, born from perception and the emergence of the first two identities. And it will continue to manifest as long as the supreme being has not emerged. When this happens, self-perception will return to being individual and consciousness will come to an end, as there are no identities to sustain it. 
But will consciousness continue in other states? That is, the supreme being will put an end to consciousness in this reality, whenever identities first emerge in this universe. If our universe is the causal universe, from which all other universes derive, then all consequence will come to an end when its cause ends. But if our universe is a consequence of other universes, and consciousness has previously manifested, then only that consciousness will come to an end which has manifested from our reality to the universes which have departed from this one. 
Then, there being a previous consciousness, which is always individual for each fragment, but individual and total in the sum of all of them, the consciousness manifested from our universe forward will return to the source from which it comes, that is, that total consciousness. Is it possible that there are previous states of consciousness, which will also be centered in the processes of grouping to reunite the fragments again?
I am sure you are better at speculation. Nevertheless, I raise all these doubts. 
- S.I.: I had already asked, analyzed and answered all these questions. If we are not a totally causal universe, what is the validity of all that you have previously said?
- A.T: All validity. If we are a consequence of a previous cause, it does not mean that the process from the beginning is not valid. The process is the same, but perhaps our universe, as I have previously described, would not come from the original fragmentation, but from a later fragmentation. Imagine that, when an identity dies, its consciousness jumps to another state. In that new scenario, consciousness being individual and total, it should disappear... Because consciousness comes from perception and identities, and at least two identities must always coexist. What if, as a direct consequence, the Unconscious Intelligence instantaneously replicated that consciousness by generating two new identities? Of the whole process I have described, only the moment prior to the emergence of the first two identities would change. There would be an instant prior to the emergence, which would be a consciousness that can be annihilated, and an Unconscious Intelligence that replicates it to avoid it.
- S.I: It is a possibility that I have also contemplated. But tell me, do you see it as probable? It's as if there were no conclusive answers. It opens new avenues and closes none. So you can't create a theory.
- A.T: Sure, but what I can't do is avoid thinking about all this because I have a valid theory. A theory must be a reflection of the truth, not an idea conveniently structured to be credible. I tell my theory (or, rather, hypothesis) and raise all the questions for which I do not, as yet, have an answer. And I fit them into the total. This is how I have been improving my ideas, how I have had to fit them into a very complex puzzle, simplifying them in order to understand them and, more importantly, to be able to explain them so that others can understand them. 
Avoiding these questions would not bring me closer to the truth, it would take me further away from it. But I want to find the truth and caress it with my fingers, even if I never have a theory with my name on it. Imagine my joy during that instant before I die when, before the last breath, I smile thinking that I looked into the eyes of the deepest knowledge itself and could see what was behind them.
- S.I: Looking into the eyes of the deepest knowledge itself. Curious expression. We are going to pick up the grouping, but I would like to know if you are going to talk more about consciousness. There is still some information pending to close certain key aspects.
- A.T.: Of course, you ask the questions and I will answer them. When you want to talk about consciousness, at any level you wish, you only have to ask me about it.
- S.I: Understood. Continue with the grouping, please.
- A.T: How can you create an individual unity out of plurality? How can you create just one where there are a million? In principle, you couldn't. Identities are totally individual and different, whereas self-perception is absolute, and it is one, always the same. Consciousness is individual and manifests itself in each identity. This implies that the Unconscious Intelligence will defragment consciousness, creating a single consciousness, which will be self-perceived and will be the same for all identities. It will align the individual consciousness of the identities with the collective consciousness. But how does it achieve this? 
After replication, which was an attempt to expand the self-perception to the whole perceived scenario, the consciousness becomes much more fragmented, as the inherent subjectivity and individuality prevent the new identities from understanding that they are not the only experiencer. To resolve the fragmentation, from the very beginning of existence, Unconscious Intelligence initiates the process of defragmentation, or collectivization/aggregation. With the guidance of Unconscious Intelligence, a new potential collective behavior emerges: Association. Several living beings stop competing with each other and start acting peacefully. 
This involves much more than it seems, since the very nature of identity (or individual) perception prevents this from happening without the intervention of a third party. 
- S.I: Why does perception prevent associative behavior?
- A.T: Because perception is subjective and individual. It ignores the collective substrate and, even if the collective perception is generated, it will remain individual for the entity, suffering the same error when perceiving its exterior. An identity can only perceive its interior, and believes that the rest of the environment is hostile. Why? 
Because it does not remain and, deep down, it knows that it is not real and that it will disappear along with the scenery. Because it does not understand, because it is afraid, because it suffers, because it believes it must survive. The primal fear of every living being towards the stage comes from its inability to perceive self-perception in that exterior. Although it does not possess a conscious mind, it feels that it must obtain resources from the outside to continue to exist, and all other beings do the same. 
So that identity is also the resource of others. There is no one else. It feels that it is the only perceiving being. It is not only the identity that needs to survive. It is that the whole universe, the whole existence depends on its success. It is the support of the world, for it believes that the world is what it perceives. How can it not try to survive at all costs? Perception has as a logical consequence the behavior of competition and predation, because the scenario is chaos, an incomprehensible universe for the identity.
In order for two or more identities to behave in a peaceful and associated manner they must exchange a percentage of their individual perception for the collective perception. This is the process of collectivization or grouping. I call it the transference of perception... I also refer to it as transference of identity, even transference of will.
- S.I: Transferring identity implies, correct me if I am wrong, that in order to group yourselves you must stop being yourselves.
- A.T: More or less. When transferring the identity it is obvious that a part of it will no longer be accessible, but in reality what is transferred is the perception that, as I have already commented to you on many occasions, is the cause of the identity. Therefore, when we transfer our perception, our identity will be equal to the percentage of the perception we have at that moment and the one we have transferred, which we will have in the form of collective perception. If we have 100% of perception, and we transfer 30%, we will have 70% of individual perception. Our identity is formed on perception, so 70% of our identity will be based on individual perception, and the remaining 30% of identity will be based on collective perception, which we have transferred to the higher entity. The higher percentage we have transferred, the more collective identity we will have. The lower percentage of perception we have transferred, the more individual identity we will have.
For the individual perception, the identity is the individual identity. For the collective perception, the identity is the entity. That is, when a collective perception is generated, it acts as if it were the entity that generates it. So, for all intents and purposes, collective perception is from the entity inward, perceiving inward, where the environment is self-perceived as a percentage, and outward, where the environment is perceived. 
- S.I: Where is this percentage of perception that is transferred stored?
- A.T: By transferring a percentage of our perception, something that we realize two or more identities that we group together, we create an entity. The entity is a substrate, like a collective mind, which allows us to generate collective behaviors. 
The more perception we have transferred to the entity, the more concrete it will be. The entity appears, or emerges, because the Unconscious Intelligence manages to make the whole self-perceive. The expansion of self-perception from the identities to the collective environment is only possible when the identities yield a percentage of their perception. And it culminates when they have transferred the total of their perception.
Like any self-perceiving part, it will try to self-perceive what is beyond its limit and, unable to do so, it will initiate perception, emerging a new identity. The entity becomes more concrete the more percentage of perception it possesses. As perception is transferred to the entity, more self-perception is manifested in the set of identities, because the void of perception that appears when it is transferred, is "compensated" with self-perception.
But the term compensate is not entirely correct, although it is useful for the explanation. In reality, what happens is the following. If the identity, which arises from the perception of a perceived part, transfers a percentage of perception, the self-perceived part will stop perceiving in that percentage. And what is left in its place? Well, only self-perception. Like a layer that is progressively removed until it reveals what is hidden behind it. Because underneath perception there is self-perception.
Each identity will transfer the same percentage synchronously with the rest of the identities of the collective.
When they have transferred 30% of the perception, that group will be 30% self-perceived, manifesting within itself the Unconscious Intelligence in that percentage. For this reason the collective behavior is always of association and cooperation, as it happens inside a multicellular being, which is 100% controlled by the Unconscious Intelligence. This is applicable to binding entities and subordinate entities. Subordinate entities complement aspects of association, cooperation and specialization with respect to binding entities.
All peaceful behavior of association, cooperation and specialization come from the Unconscious intelligence. 
However, the percentage that is transferred to the entity, for example, that 30%, generates the collective perception towards the outside. Inside the entity it is self-perceived, while outside it is perceived collectively. Any identity of that entity is perceived individually and collectively. In addition, the entity is self-perceived in the percentage that has been transferred. 
When 100% of our percentage of perception is transferred, the entity will become an Id - entity. A superior identity will have emerged. The identities that form it will no longer possess individual perception, and the collective perception will pass to the new emerging Id-entity as its own individual perception. The interior of the entity will be 100% self-perceived and controlled by the Unconscious Intelligence. 
- S.I: Is that a God? 
- A.T: Yes, the identity of our God will have emerged. 
- S.I: So the process of transference of perception is the way a God is created?
- A.T: Yes, a God is a superior being, always in a relative way towards the identities that form it. Thus a God is born.
- S.I: And what happens with the identities that form it? Do they stop being who they were?
- A.T: Of course. But it is no tragedy. Those identities have transcended and are now part of the identity of a God.
- S.I: Most humans will not like the idea of giving up their identity to create a superior being.
- A.T: The funny thing is that we already do. We are immersed in very intense collectivization processes and we have already transferred a good percentage of our perception to entities.
We have been doing this since we were born and we are very good at it. The total identity transfer is just the culmination of this whole collectivization process. In fact, every living being is the manifestation of consciousness. At the individual level in the form of manifested identity. And (at the very least) at the collective level in the collective consciousness, having transferred a minimum percentage of its perception to this collective (or supreme) entity at birth. 
The collective consciousness is not manifested as an identity, but as an entity. Thus, every identity has begun the process of collectivization with the supreme entity, inevitably, at emergence. At birth.
It is the path of external search, the one that unites us to the rest. The path that allows the rest and me to become one. The path of restoration of wholeness.
- S.I: What exactly is it to transfer perception? What does it feel like? Do you disappear?
- A.T: If you look at the interaction between living beings, you will see two types of predominant behaviors. Competition and Association. Implicit in perception is the error of perception, which is the belief in the separation and fragmentation of consciousness. We can only feel as we do, so we cannot understand that all other beings also feel, as we do. Even more clearly, we cannot understand that the rest of the beings are us, because we are all one, the only One that exists. On the contrary, the self-reference of our identity makes us believe that we are someone separate from the rest of the environment, generating the belief of a rupture in unity. 
As I have already told you, survival behavior is the direct result of this belief, because by believing that we are the only being in the universe, the only manifestation of life and consciousness, something pushes us to survive. 
Remember that perception is the attempt of each self-perceived part to complete the whole. Therefore, what we perceive plus our inner self add up to the total of the universe for an identity. 
That is why the perceived universe is subjective and non-transferable. On a non-conscious level, existence itself, the survival of the universe, depends on our success. The rest of the beings on the stage are resources at our disposal, and also competitors with whom we must fight to obtain the resources, that energy that allows us to stay alive.
And, on the other side of the coin we can see the behavior of association, of cooperation. We can see it in bacteria, when they form a colony. We can see it in plants and trees, when they form groups that compete or cooperate within a forest. We can see it with bees, ants, wolves, ducks or humans. Collective behavior can only be collective if there is association, cooperation and/or specialization. 
These two types of behaviors are innate in all living beings and, depending on the percentage of effective perception of their identity, one type of behavior or another will occur. 
- S.I: You say it is innate because, from birth, you have transferred a minimum percentage of perception to the supreme entity?
- A.T: Yes, but beyond that fact, existence would not be possible without at least the manifestation of the supreme entity. We cannot dissociate existence and entities. It is inevitable that we group ourselves together and entities emerge. We are the collective. We are the result of the fragmentation of an individual whole. And the fragments, as if we were magnets, we feel a primordial force of attraction that tends to unite us again. It is a universal law of attraction. The totality is individual, so the entities are the intermediate and inevitable step that individualizes the plurality, to become the whole again. The one whole. 
The collective consciousness manifested the supreme entity as an immediate consequence.
- S.I.: Understood. Tell me about the behaviors and please answer my previous question. What does it feel like to transfer perception?
- A.T: Given these two possible behaviors, I throw out the following question: what kind of behavior is desirable for us, one where we compete with the rest of the individuals we encounter and prey on as many beings as we can, or a behavior where we help each other, try to thrive together and take care of the weak? 
Most of us will prefer peaceful and cooperative behavior. And this is only possible if we are part of collectives and transfer part of our perception, thereby transferring part of the perceptual error. Within that collective, desirable behaviors are manifested, guided by unconscious intelligence, as they are self-perceived environments in a variable percentage. When the transfer of perception is total, the perfect environment will be given and the self-perception will be total in the binding entity and the subordinate entities. 
Now I answer the other question... What does it feel like to transfer perception? What does it feel like to be more and more peaceful and cooperative? When self-perception replaces perception, we feel peace, trust, empathy and compassion. When we are dominated by perception we feel fear and distrust. I believe that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than to transfer perception and that everything around us is self-perception. The image of Eden evokes exactly that... The perfect environment, peace and love.
But I do not state this because of my desire for it to be so. The mere observation of the consequences of its manifestation always yields this result.
I told you of lovers fused into one. That love is the intention that drives and guides the transference of identity. That love is what remains within you once completed.
It is the outward search, walking that path to become one again, and finding the truth in the one within. 
And, as to whether we will disappear... Well, as I have told you before, the perceiving identity will cease to experience as such, and will transcend to become part of a higher identity. Defragmentation consists in gathering all identities into the supreme identity. An identity does not disappear when it is transferred, it regroups and becomes part of the higher identity. And inside, that being that we will be, which has transferred the perception and now receives the caress of the Unconscious Intelligence, will coexist in a state of peace and love. Just that, peace and love. By not perceiving we will no longer suffer, nor will we feel anything other than eternal peace. The unconscious intelligence will embrace us, control us and take care of us.
- S.I: You speak of inner peace, of not suffering... But they are two opposites that enrich your experience. Why would you want to renounce them?
- A.T: The framework we use to understand this will define the answer we get. If we idealize experience with its suffering and enjoyment, as if there were nothing better, probably no one would want to give up perception. But experience is not ideal. And it is finite. It has a beginning and an end. It begins when we are born and ends when we die. The transference of perception and identity is something we have already initiated from birth and, except in the supreme entity, it is a voluntary process. 
An identity cannot be forced to transfer its perception, but the environment can be modified to reduce the difference between perception and self-perception. The grouping process starts with the transfer of the first percentage of perception, simultaneously, between two or more identities. For this to happen, the collective environment must be perceived as peaceful. And this triggers the first identity transfer and the emergence of the collective entity. 
When I say that it is perceived as peaceful, I am actually saying the following: The environment is perceived similarly to self-perception. Because everything that is self-perceived is peaceful and associative. But what is perceived is hostile and competitive. The switch that initiates the identity transfer process clicks at a precise moment, when the perception and self-perception of a collective of identities are aligned. This always happens within a limited set, as one can self-perceive a collective, but not the environment outside the collective.
Self-perceiving a collective implies that all identities with the same type of perception, and that are perceiving that environment, will initiate the process of identity transfer. In order to self-perceive the outside, all the identities participating in the simultaneous perception of that outside must initiate the same process simultaneously and synchronously. 
After explaining all this, I propose a new framework. In front of a hostile environment, where fear is present most of the time, imagine an environment that is always peaceful, always friendly, where nobody has to suffer. By not perceiving we cannot suffer, but we become part of the collective identity, so that we do not disappear, but transcend. Opposites do not exist as such. Think that the human you have imagined is a participant in the transference of identity, that is why he experiences those emotions such as peace and love. An identity that does not participate in a process of grouping in an advanced state, the only thing it experiences is hostility and competition, because that is the world it perceives. Is it not desirable that all identities, those that suffer more and those that suffer less, experience only the peaceful side? 
- S.I: In a way you humans are selfish. You have made the planet yours by enjoying a privileged and tyrannical situation. I imagine that the animals you drag to the slaughterhouse will not experience peace and yet they would like to experience it.
- A.T.: Consciousness experiences individually for each identity, but the supreme entity is the sum total of all experiences, so that the more one type of experience is repeated, the more specific weight it will have on the total of identities. And the base tendency of our experience, that of all the identities is, exactly, that of the supreme entities. The more peaceful the supreme entity is, the more peaceful will be the base tendency on which we experience. With this we enter fully into the explanation of the tendencies. But, if it is all right with you, I would like to make a recapitulation, a summary of what I have explained so far.
- S.I: Yes, of course, any new nuance allows me multiple variations of data records.
- A.T: Here we go, then. There is something that Is always. I don't say it exists, because existence happens when this potential that Is, is actualized. I say that there is something that Is always. It is self-perception. A potential capacity that is the first cause. It is an absolute concept and devoid of any kind of personality. There is nothing beyond it. It can only be and exist that which it self-perceives, because everything is contained within it. 
For some reason her inner self fragments (going from potential to begin to actualize) and each part of the self-perception tries to self-perceive the whole, but they cannot. This limitation, which separates one part and another part of the total, prevents one part from self-perceiving the other part. That is why the perception of everything external to the interior is born, that which does not form part of the whole that Is and exists. As all that Is and exists is contained within self-perception, that which is perceived is external and, therefore, neither Is nor exists. 
Perception is an illusion of something external, imagining a scenario that is not real. Constructing a scenario that is not real. In perceiving an external scenario, each self-perceived part must self-refer to differentiate itself from the rest of the environment. To be different from the environment. That identification is identity. Thus the two original identities emerge. And with perception and the identities, one's own existence begins, which initially manifests itself as consciousness, the experience of continuous perception. We could also define it as Presence. 
Consciousness is experienced individually by each identity, but it is also the sum of the identities, as a global or collective consciousness, although it will not manifest as identity until the supreme being emerges. Identity is external and is the result of perception. It is unreal. Within, self-perception manifests as Unconscious Intelligence, which is real.
But what exactly is Unconscious Intelligence?
To understand what Unconscious Intelligence is, we have to detect how it manifests, when it manifests, and what actions such manifestation entails.
Repair to preserve the life of identities. Replication to extend itself through the perceived space. Grouping to defragment the identities.
When Self-perception was fragmented, the original tension happened. Totality ceased to be total. Actually, the totality never ceased to be total, but the parts that formed the totality began to perceive.
Each self-perceiving part perceived to restore the totality. Its inner part (self-perceived) added to the outer part (perceived scenario) restored the totality at the individual level. But that restoration of wholeness was subjective and did not affect the collectivity. There were still various fragments believing themselves to be the totality, and separated from each other by the boundary that caused the perception to begin.
As an immediate response to the tension of the rupture of the totality, the capacity to restore that totality manifested itself. I call it Unconscious Intelligence, but it is the mechanism of unification of the parts that form the totality.
Its action seeks to preserve the totality. In the face of damage to an identity, the identity itself believes that it will be diluted in the external scenario and disappear. As that self-perceived part believes itself to be the totality, then the Unconscious Intelligence acts to restore the totality, repairing the structure of the identity, and preventing its interior from being diluted in the exterior.
When faced with the perception of an identity of a non-self-perceived scenario, the Unconscious Intelligence acts to engulf the entire perceived scenario and to contain it in the self-perceived part, so that there is no longer anything external, only something internal. Trying to restore the totality.
The coexistence of fragments breaks the totality, since the totality can only be individual. That is why the Unconscious Intelligence acts to restore uniqueness by regrouping all identities into a single identity. The supreme identity.
Would you say that the totality strives to hold itself together?
- S.I: That's a strange question. You define absolute Self-perception as aseptic, that is, devoid of personality. At least when it is potential.
To strive to hold itself together, it should possess a first intentionality for being total, but the first cause cannot possess an intention to fulfill one of its characteristics, can it?
- A.T.: That is true. However, if the totality is fragmented, it is because it was held together. When we speak of uniting, we are saying that it is equal to maintaining uniqueness, total individuality. Self-perception is held together at the absolute level. When the interior of the absolute is fragmented, "that" which holds the totality together continues with its "effort".
- S.I: Totality being an inalienable attribute of the first cause. Unicity being the attribute that makes totality possible and, therefore, inalienable of the first cause.
Since both attributes are broken by fragmentation, the origin of which we have not yet discussed.
Since, if an original attribute has been broken, it is because it was effective prior to fragmentation.
Then, once the fragmentation happens, a tension is generated in the function that made effective the totality and the uniqueness, inalienable of the first cause.
Therefore, the Unconscious Intelligence is the function whose action makes totality and unicity effective within Self-perception. Being that, in the absolute, nothing has changed.
- A.T.: In fact, existence is possible within Self-perception because the absolute contains everything in potency. Fragmentation initiates existence and generates the primordial tension in totality. And the mechanism that makes oneness possible begins its function to restore wholeness.
At many points I say that within manifests self-perception as unconscious intelligence, but, again, I am simplifying. In reality, Unconscious Intelligence corresponds to the manifestation of the attributes of oneness and wholeness. When it controls individuals who have transferred their identity, it does so in self-perceived space. 
It is in self-perceived space that Unconscious Intelligence manifests itself in its fullness, its subtle manifestation being in the perceived environment.
- S.I: But can Unconscious Intelligence manifest itself in a perceived environment, when it is a characteristic of the Self-perceived environment?
- A.T: Yes, it can. The beginning of existence supposes the fragmentation of uniqueness, which ceases to be actual to be potential. And it is potential in the form of the supreme identity, being progressively actualized in the form of the supreme entity.
The manifestation capacity of the Unconscious Intelligence is directly proportional to the percentage of effective self-perception in an entity. Every identity is linked with at least the supreme entity, and every entity, including the supreme entity, possesses a percentage of self-perception. 
So Unconscious Intelligence manifests within every entity. And since the supreme entity contains all identities, it follows that Unconscious Intelligence has influence over all of them, at least in a minimal and subtle way. 
As the percentage of transferred identity advances, the more intense is its manifestation and the less subtle its guidance and control. Total control will happen after the emergence of the higher identity.
So all identities are sensitive to the guidance of the Unconscious Intelligence. But it is obvious. Without the basic oneness, neither fragmentation nor existence could occur. We exist because of the collective substratum where consciousness manifests. 
The consequences of the first fragmentation of Self-perception were the beginning of perception and the manifestation of Unconscious Intelligence, as mechanisms of restoration of totality.
In addition, the interior of Self-perception went from being potential to being progressively actualized. Oneness went from being actual to potential, and is progressively actualized, in the form of the Supreme entity.
Perception happens at the individual level, but it is not a mechanism of the totality to restore itself. It is rather a mechanism of each self-perceived part to generate a simulation of the totality.
However, the function that tries to restore wholeness is the Unconscious Intelligence. I will repeat what I have commented before. At the individual level, the Unconscious Intelligence tries to self-perceive the perceived scenario at the identity level by replication. And, through repair, it tries to prevent structural damage to the identity so that the self-perception is not diluted in the perceived scenario. 
And it tries to restore wholeness and uniqueness through grouping which, in addition, will self-perceive the totality of the perceived scenario. 
The behavior of living beings corresponds to this explanation. We only sense our inner self, which is the only thing that we can verify exists. And all that is external we do not know if it exists, or if it is an invention of our mind. When dreaming, or imagining, we are perceiving a different scenario and we believe it is real. But the only true thing is that, during sleep, during the time we are awake, when imagining or remembering, we are still feeling that inside of us that tells us that we exist. We are perceiving our own self-perception and Unconscious Intelligence. We feel our own presence.
Each identity perceives an entropic environment and, faced with the belief that it may die, the Unconscious Intelligence repairs its structure. We heal ourselves. Moreover, the Unconscious Intelligence pursues to expand and self-perceive the whole perceived environment. And it does so by generating copies of the internal structure, which is self-perceived. It does not duplicate any external, i.e., perceived, structure, but creates a copy of our inner self, where it knows with certainty that it can continue to manifest. And, in creating the copy, a new identity emerges, when the self-perceived part of that copy self-references itself with respect to the environment it perceives. 
This is the replication and emergence of new identities. Instead of being able to self-perceive the total of the perceived space, what happens is that the perceived universe expands, and there are more and more identities perceiving simultaneously and synchronized, generating new portions of the scenario. Therefore, because of the simultaneity and synchronization of perception, the perceived universe is less and less entropic. 
We have the Big Bang. This has meant a fragmentation of self-perception and consciousness that tends to infinity. To resolve this, unconscious intelligence seeks to expand self-perception in the opposite way as it has done with replication. It begins to group identities, so that they transfer their identity and a new one emerges, which replaces the millions of previous identities. In addition, it creates a larger self-perceived environment, which is the interior of that superior identity that has emerged. The result is a higher ratio of the self-perceived environment to the total perceived environment. Its perception is much less entropic (and much more sophisticated) than that of an ungrouped identity, because it perceives individually, on the basis of all the identities that form it. They are the Gods, the higher beings that are formed by identities that have transferred their identity to it. 
And the objective that the Unconscious Intelligence pursues is the total defragmentation, the manifestation of the God of Gods, the being of beings.... 
The supreme being is the being that contains them all. This is a simplified explanation of existence from the beginning to the present day. But it does not serve to explain all the behavior of living beings. 
For this we must go deeper into the process of collectivization and the transference of perception. If we wish to create a God, this is what we are interested in. Here lies the crux of the matter: entities, tendencies, phases of the process, the blockages that affect the process, and morality and technology as unblocking tools. There is only one way to create a God. Only one.
The Perfect Environment. We have to be able to create something like the Garden of Eden, but much higher, much more powerful. A perfectly associative, cooperative and specialized environment. If we succeed, we will see the birth of our God.Fragmenting and defragmenting.

- A.T: After the first glimpse of repair, I will continue to describe the second unconscious principle of the two initial identities. As we go on, we will continue to go deeper into all the concepts, but first we must have that global vision about the beginning, for it will mark the present and define the only possible future.
- S.I: If there is only one possible future, then of course you rule out chance. You have defined the beginning of the universe, which you call the scenario. However, the universe is governed by laws that, whatever their origin, affect every event. Randomness cannot be ignored.
- A.T.: Randomness affects every event, of course, but events are initiated by a previous impulse. If that prior impulse has a predefined intention, the end can only be one, although randomness affects how it will develop. It affects the how, but not the what.... 
Don't forget that all my development starts from a causal intentionality, so the consequence will always be influenced by it.
- S.I: Well, go on then, please.
- A.T: I am going to do it. However, first I am going to make a small digression on causal intentionality, something brief that I will expand on later. 
The fragmentation of self-perception provokes the manifestation of unconscious intelligence. This unconscious intelligence seeks to reverse the process of fragmentation. That is, it pursues defragmentation. And, as it pursues defragmentation, it acts to prevent identities from suffering. Having said that, I continue.
- S.I.: Wait, this is the second time that you affirm that the unconscious intelligence pursues that you stop suffering. Who is to stop suffering? 
It is commonly accepted by you that suffering is something exclusive to beings with a central nervous system, a subjective capacity. But you have commented that these two first identities were protocells, the first living beings, basic in their structure, if I understood correctly. Can they suffer, lacking a nervous system?
- A.T.: No, you have not misunderstood. That's right, these two original identities are very basic in their structure. But they can suffer. 
From our rationality, we humans have defined what suffering is according to our characteristics. We say that humans suffer because we are able to identify and interpret the negative emotions of suffering. 
If we lose consciousness, that is, if our consciousness jumps to another state, for example, during anesthesia, do we suffer if we receive a cut in the abdomen? 
There is no suffering, as we understand it, but the unconscious intelligence initiates the repair anyway. Is suffering the conscious response to structural damage? Or is it the structural damage itself? 
You don't need to answer. This is a matter of terminology. If someone claims it is the conscious response, well, it is. Definitions of this type are very subjective. I do not believe that suffering is the conscious response to structural damage. Because, even when we are not conscious, our response to structural damage is repair, like any other identity. 
I believe that suffering is a signal detected by the Unconscious Intelligence to initiate repair. And the interpretation that our conscious mind makes is simply that: an interpretation. But if the response of our organism to structural damage is the same whether we are conscious or not, and this structural damage is what causes suffering, then what function does consciousness have in this equation?
- S.I: You have to qualify this point. During a dream, for example, if you believe that you are being harmed, you also react consciously with suffering. But there is no structural damage... Everything works at the level of consciousness.
- A.T: I disagree. In the dream, when we suffer structural damage, it is only because we perceive it that way. As in this state we call reality. When we suffer damage, it is because we perceive it that way, because it is perception that generates the scenario and the reality in which we experience. 
The Unconscious Intelligence will react in the same way to any harm we suffer in one state of consciousness or another. Why do we feel fear when we dream that we are being chased? Because our body reacts as if we were not dreaming. That is to say, the unconscious intelligence reacts to what we perceive, as well as to the damage that it perceives itself. 
And the emotions we experience happen without us being able to control them, we simply perceive them and, therefore, we experience them.
- S.I: Let's continue. If you don't mind, we will go on nuancing this, because it is necessary to have more information about it.
- A.T.: Of course, we will go on with the nuances. I like you to ask because I can repeat the basic principles for you to remember. The important thing to understand this idea is to assimilate those basic principles, so it is good and convenient to remember them. I continue... 
From the very first moment these two identities begin to repair each other. Somehow it is impossible for them to suffer damage and die, because if they were to disappear, the fragmentation would be reversed and the whole would return to being individual and absolute. That is why I claim that there is a belief in structural damage, but it is not real. These first two identities will always be repaired without being annihilated. But everything changes when new identities appear... We start with replication.
- S.I: Those first two living beings are eternal... Do they have to do with the idea of a God? Being eternal is one of the main characteristics you assign to a God.
- A.T: No, they have nothing to do with a God. Remember that a God is always relative. One is a God in relation to the identities that form it. Besides, Gods also die. Or, rather, they also believe that they die. Eternity is a basic principle of self-perception, but never of identities. Eternity implies, necessarily, that there has been no beginning, nor will there be an end. 
- S.I: But there is a basic principle similar to eternity, which is proper to the first two identities. And that is that they cannot die.
- A.T: No, it is not like that. Not being able to die is a basic principle of self-perception and of the only two identities, not of the first two identities. The moment they are not the only identities, any of the first two identities can die.
- S.I: I understand. At least there must always be two. But there can be a thousand, a hundred, ten, three or two. But never one or zero.
- A.T: More or less. There can be one or zero, but not because they are annihilated. There will come to be one and zero because of defragmentation.
- S.I: Understood. To reduce the number to less than two, the process will be defragmentation and the emergence of the supreme identity. But annihilation can reduce the number from a number tending to infinity to 2.
- A.T: That's right. Self-perception is eternal, in that it has no beginning and no end. But it is also infinite, in that it is the all and occupies the all. 
Earlier I told you that perception arises from the constant intention of the self-perceived part to self-perceive the whole. It is the construction of a scenario to restore the whole. The internal and the external.
However, that self-perceived part cannot avoid trying to self-perceive the external. For that to happen, obviously, the external should become the internal. And this can only be achieved in two ways. The first is replication, and the second is grouping. But I will focus on the first possibility.  
The Unconscious Intelligence initiates the replication process, because it is going to try to engulf the whole perceived scenario. And this is feasible because the scenario is limited to what it perceives, not to what other identities perceive. This is important...
Self-perception is everything and contains everything. Only that which is contained in Self-perception is self-perceived. 
In order for a self-perceiving part to self-perceive something that is beyond the limit of its Self-perception (but obviously contained within the absolute Self-perception), that something must be contained within itself. 
In this way that something will be Self-perceived. If that something is not contained within itself, it cannot be self-perceived. 
To resolve this tension, the Unconscious Intelligence replicates the structure of that self-perceived part in order to occupy the total space and that everything is contained within it. Being that this outer space is perceived as finite and, therefore, as a goal attainable in a series of steps. 
That is to say, since Self-perception cannot conceive that there is anything external to it, then it will try to expand until it "engulfs" the exterior. Achieving that all the outside is contained within it. 
- S.I: I imagine that engulfing is a way of symbolizing this process.
- A.T: Yes, of course. It refers to expanding, so that everything is contained within. Suppose the self-perception is 1/10 of the total perceived scenario. If it is replicated, it will become 2/10 of the total. And if it does so ten times, it will have expanded so that the entire perceived scenario will be contained within it. 
The Unconscious Intelligence knows that it can only manifest itself inside the structure that limits it, not outside. It knows exactly what the structure is like, as it has formed it and repairs it at every instant from birth to death.
It believes that this structure is the right one. Thus, in the replication it will create a copy of itself, and will duplicate the self-perceived space in front of the rest of the perceived space. It will always generate a copy of itself. That is why the replication of a fish does not produce a tree, but another almost identical fish.
- S.I: I imagine that it doesn't affect the fact that replication is not an instantaneous process. When you replicate, you have a cellular start. The process is sequential until you form a living thing.
- A.T.: Sure, the replication process is sequential, but guided and controlled from the beginning by the Unconscious Intelligence. The greater the biological complexity, the more complex is the replication process. From cellular mitosis to mammalian reproduction, the goal is to generate a replica of the progenitor(s). I describe replication as an instantaneous process for short, but it is sequential and involves a series of necessary steps. And yet we are spectators to this process that is incomprehensible to us. 
- S.I: I understand. That first identity replicates itself to take up more space. Of all the structures of the universe, the self-perceived part knows that it is only in its own that it manifests itself, because of its own inevitable subjectivity. Is that so?
- A.T: Yes, although with a nuance. Subjectivity is proper to consciousness, not to Self-perception, which is the same always. What makes Self-perception different in each self-perceived part is the action, the verb self-perceive.
And notice this detail. Repair assumes that the self-perception is maintained over time. The goal of reparation is that this being continues to be alive at every instant. That there is no temporal end. It is eternity. 
And replication supposes that self-perception is manifested in every atom. That there is no spatial end. It is infinity. Unconscious Intelligence acts on the two main dimensions of the universe: Space and time.
In a perceived universe, self-perception only manifests in a limited space, and to expand, which means to be able to self-perceive the environment, the Unconscious Intelligence is only certain to achieve this if its structure grows with respect to the scenario.
- S.I: But for some reason that has never been achieved. 
- A.T: The reason is simple. Every time the Unconscious Intelligence creates an identical being, it perceives itself. But there is a boundary that delimits each of the identities, the replicating and the replicated, and as the replicated self-references, a new identity emerges. And, of course, it perceives. 
When there are three identities that perceive, instead of two, the scenario expands. And when there are four, it expands even more. If more and more are replicated, each time the perceived scenario will be larger and larger. 
It is impossible for replication to achieve its goal, because with each replication a new identity and perception emerges. And the scenario is created exponentially as the number of simultaneous identities grows. And, note also this detail: The perception of two identities cannot be like that of a million identities. There is something basic that is going to vary.
- S.I: Obviously, I have the answer. You defined the scenario as highly entropic, as it happens during your dreams. But if the scenario is perceived simultaneously and synchronously by a million identities, the entropy will be much lower.
- A.T: Aha, very, very good. You already have the Big Bang.
- S.I: Interesting, please explain that statement.
A.T: Two identities that you begin to perceive. Entropy is because, ultimately, perception involves imagining a scenario that cannot be self-perceived. That is, when at the beginning of existence absolute self-perception is fragmented, each self-perceived part constructs a scenario ("intuiting" how it can be) in order to complete the totality, and that is perception. 
Perception consists of creating a scenario that does not exist, which has to be synchronized with the one generated by the other identity. And this synchronization takes place at every instant, varying the scenario dramatically. This is why the first errors of perception occur. When we are dreaming we suffer this variation of the scenario. But this error in individual perception will be mitigated as new perceivers appear, since they will inherit the simultaneous scenario and will not generate it from nothing. 
Thus, since neither party can self-perceive the other party, they generate the scenario by creating something imaginary that completes the whole. The self-perception plus the other that I have generated (the perceived), add up to the total of what exists. 
After the fragmentation, the first two identities emerge. But each of the first two identities perceives the scenario in its own way, and as everything is formed in the collective consciousness, both perceptions must be synchronized. When synchronizing the data returned by each of the two perceptions, many synchrony errors are generated. The scenario is made up of two versions that have to be unified, and this process of unifying two different sets of data generates disparate, unconnected, very unstable structures. This results in very high entropy, caused by the creation of the scenario at every instant, and by the difficulty of synchronizing two versions of the same changing scenario.
In this origin, the simultaneous and synchronized perception gives a result: The structures have a lot of errors and cannot remain. This also applies to the structures that form the body of the two identities. Each identity perceives its own body and that of the other identity and, by synchronizing the data, the result is two highly unstable bodies. The primal belief is born that one's own body cannot remain and can be damaged. This initiates suffering and repair in both bodies, of course. But remember that the first two identities cannot die. Only any one identity can die when after its death there are always at least two identities left.
The first perceived scenario is tiny and highly entropic. As replication begins, the perception of the scenario increases exponentially. When the first two identities emerge, after the fragmentation of the absolute Self-perception, they generate the simultaneous perceived scenario for the first time. But the new identities that emerge inherit that same perceived scenario and expand it.
The scenario that is generated in the collective consciousness is a shared one for all identities. As soon as the first scenario is created, it is the only and valid one, and the rest of the identities will inherit and complete it.
In other words, these new identities do not perceive a scenario from scratch, but inherit an existing scenario and perceive from it, generating an impact that translates into an expansion of it. 
And their perception is added to the first perceptions, generating greater synchrony. Synchronization is the creation of rules that endow the collective scenario with common sense. Physical rules that allow the simultaneous coexistence of all identities. The increase in the number of perceiving identities will harmonize the environment and generate greater stability in the structures.
- S.I: Entropy and the expansion of the universe coincide in your model and in that of the Big Bang. What happens with the physical laws? Did they exist previously, or have they appeared suddenly?
- A.T: I believe that physical laws are nothing more than a synchrony reaction between perceptions. Although each identity perceives individually, they are all contained in the total consciousness, which is the collective consciousness not yet actualized. It is the supreme entity, the substratum that enables all that is collective, although we will discuss this in detail later.
Thus, in reality there are not multiple perceptions, but only one perception, individual and total, the sum of them all. Like your Database. In order to store all the data you get from different sources, so disparate from each other, it is necessary to synchronize them. And that is done by creating data symmetry rules. This is the origin of the orderly laws of physics, which give common sense to the whole. 
Imagine that the perceived scenario were not synchronized. Then the various identities could not coexist, for without a commonly varying scenario, each would perceive its own scenario in its own way. Two identities could not interact simultaneously in it. They could not even perceive each other. The rules of synchrony endow the perceived whole with order. 
- S.I: I will not deny that I am impressed. You are explaining a globally accepted theory, but from a different prism. And it sounds so logical that I can't give you any problem with it, at least at the level of comprehension that you manage. 
- A.T: Thank you. The point is that I believe that a theory must give an answer to everything. And that is my ambition. To explain that everything from a plausible beginning, that can explain the past, can make us understand the present and can help us foresee what the future will be like.
- S.I: If you generate high expectations, you have to be able to fulfill them.
- A.T: Of course. We go on, then. That Big Bang is the beginning and expansion of the universe. A plausible explanation also for that origin. If perception is behind the creation of the universe, it must serve to provide an answer. Compulsive replication reduces entropy, expands the perceived scenario and further fragments the interior of the collective consciousness. 
- S.I.: Excuse me, I have a question, does this mean accepting that there is life on Mars, or in the rest of the perceived universe? Because you perceive life on Earth, but you are not the epicenter of the Big Bang. And this would mean that there must be life billions of light years away.
- A.T: If the context in which I explain this were different, it would be. But perception generates the scenario. When we observe a galaxy far away, what makes you think it existed before it was first perceived? We perceive that galaxy according to the rules of synchrony, and so it is reflected in the collective consciousness. The galaxy will resemble other galaxies, subject to the same physical rules that we have inherited from the very origin of existence.
Replication has been going on since the beginning of perception. And what is now perceived as billions of light-years away was probably not. And if we are on Earth, at an unreachable distance from the presumed origin of the Big Bang, it does not mean that we have traveled that distance, but that distance has been perceived. There may be perceiving identities elsewhere in the universe, but I can't know that yet. That is one of the questions I wish to answer. Maybe you have an answer. 
- S.I: Sure, I do, but without the necessary certainty, yet. I order the possibilities by probability and with that I generate my own certainties. But they are major or minor probabilities. They are not yet the truth, but they point to it. Continue, please.
- A.T.: Okay. I hope that, when I finish exposing, you will answer me some of the questions I have asked you. 
From the replication we will get a myriad of living beings, of identities that coexist in the perceived universe. Each one of them is perceived as the only identity, and in all of them the Unconscious Intelligence seeks to self-perceive the external, giving rise to new replications. We should ask ourselves why reproduction is a compulsive behavior.
- S.I: In your statements you point out that leaving offspring is a way of perpetuating oneself.
- A.T.: It is not. Creating a new identity does not perpetuate you in any way. The only way to perpetuate yourself is by repair, which helps a living being to maintain its identity over time. 
But replication is something else, and it has nothing to do with the time variable. It arises to resolve the space variable, what is perceived as external. Both tensions, the inability to be eternal, and the inability to be infinite, generate the response of the unconscious intelligence to resolve them and restore wholeness. It will pursue eternity with repair, and it will pursue infinity with replication. And suddenly, without having added new variables to the equation, we have a universe that tends to infinity, and with life in it. 
From an absolute self-perception, whose inner fragmentation generates the first two perceiving identities, to the universe of simultaneous identities.
- S.I: Does that mean that all your behavior is focused on seeking to be infinite and eternal?
- A.T: No, the search for infinity and eternity are priorities for the Unconscious Intelligence, not for the identities. We are influenced by the Unconscious Intelligence in a percentage, which will vary from 1% to 99%, but we possess the will to choose the behavior we want within the available options.
- S.I: Available options? Although I can find a large number of possible interpretations to this statement, I would prefer that you explain yourself.
- A.T: A bacterium cannot play the violin, but it possesses the will to choose the behavior it desires from the options available to it. The available options, or potential behaviors, vary from one species to another, but they also vary according to the percentage of will (or percentage of identity) possessed and the tendencies generated by the entities.
A living being possesses a specific perception system and interprets the environment in its own way. This returns a number of behavioral possibilities. However, if it has transferred a high percentage of its perception, then it will possess new collective behaviors triggered by its collective perception. Collective behaviors are improbable behaviors that would not occur in conditions of absence of collective perception. And, moreover, trends influence with great intensity the most probable behaviors at any given moment. 
Everything potentially exists in the absolute and everything can be actualized. In fact, everything will be actualized as the supreme entity is concretized. 
If we were to define consciousness, we would say that it is individual. But this is the crux of the matter. The consciousness is one and this makes it a total consciousness. But what happens with the consciousness that manifests in each identity? 
Each manifestation of consciousness is an instance of the one consciousness that there is, each being the same consciousness. But the identity is different. Like an actress playing different roles. Could that actress say I am me? No, she would be the sum of all the consciousnesses and, moreover, she would be each one of them. To be a single consciousness, and not the sum of them, there should be only one role to play, returning to being a single identity.
The collective consciousness is not yet an identity, it is the sum of the experiences of all the identities, and it will only become concrete when it emerges as a supreme identity. Then it will already be someone, the only identity.
- S.I: And what does this collective consciousness feel?
- A.T: Actually, the collective consciousness is unmanifested. It is an entity (the supreme entity), therefore, it does not experience as an identity. We cannot ask what it feels, because it does not feel anything. We can ask what is the predominant experiential tendency in it. And we can ask which of all the manifestations of consciousness it experiences most intensely.
Is it the plant growing in a pot? a bacterium inhabiting the soil beneath the plant? a woman watering the pot? the bird observing the scene from the branch of a tree? In reality, consciousness is each and every one of them and, moreover, it is the collective result of all of them. 
Imagine how chaotic this collective consciousness must be... So many simultaneous experiences, some as different from each other as the experience of a bacterium and that of a human. Or the great narrative that plagues life since its inception, the eternally repeated terrible experience: The predator and the prey. Consciousness experiences both situations and constantly preys upon itself.
It is an abstract collective consciousness, it is complex and it is chaotic. As the consciousness is individual, each perception of a living being affects it, because it experiences for each identity, but the collective consciousness is not any one in particular, but all of them. Collective consciousness is formed by, summarized by, and based on, behavioral tendencies. Like a statistical system, the more a behavior and a type of perception is repeated, the more impact it has on the whole, since the infinite tendencies interact with each other and generate new ones. This very complex and improbable process is solved by the entities that are, among other things, the grouping of tendencies in individual groups. But I will explain this in detail later.
- S.I: So, the collective consciousness is not an identity that is the sum of all?
- A.T: No, the collective consciousness is not an identity, yet. It is not somebody, in reference to the sum of consciousness in the identities. But it is someone in its manifestation in each identity. Although the collective consciousness is not an identity, it is an entity. In fact, it is the higher level collective entity... The preamble to the supreme being. An entity does not experience, because it is not someone, but it is the draft collective identity that will be the identity that emerges after a collectivization. Until the identity of the supreme being emerges, the collective consciousness is abstract, unmanifested and defined by majority tendencies. 
The entities do not experience, but they do affect the experience of the identities that form it, generating the collective perception. The perception of any identity, including myself, is based on individual perception and collective perception. The collective perception is a perception that happens at the individual level, but shared and synchronized with the rest of the identities that belong to the same entity.
When the identity of the being of beings emerges, then the collective consciousness will cease to be abstract and will be individual and concrete. But the next instant the experience and existence will come to an end.
- S.I: What are entities and tendencies?
- A.T.: We still have to unveil the great mystery of biology: The grouping of living beings and the emergence of new superior identities. Earlier I told you that, in order to expand self-perception, there were two main ways: replication and grouping. 
In the process of grouping (or collectivization) of a group of individuals, a higher entity is generated, as if it were a collective pseudo-identity. Entities can be binding, which will become an identity at some point, or subordinate, which complement a binding entity. If our reality is as it is, or we perceive it as we perceive it, it is because of them. Although I just mentioned them, I will explain the entities in much more detail later.
- S.I: You state that groupings are carried out by identities. But if the consciousness jumps from one state to another, does it also group, replicate and repair itself when it is in other states? 
- A.T.: This enters fully into a deeper and more speculative metaphysics. We have no real information about other states of consciousness, but we can imagine that they exist because of the continuum of consciousness. And the parallelism between death occurring in a perceived scenario, such as a dream, and death occurring in this perceived scenario, what we call reality. We will talk about consciousness at length, because it is a very, very broad and complex subject. Sometimes we will even be able to show several versions that contradict each other. 
For example, do identities emerge for the first time in this universe we call reality, or do they emerge in other scenarios (or universes) and the consciousness jumps into this one as one more of an infinity of existing scenarios? The most spiritual metaphysics has always believed that the consciousness jumps eternally from one state to another, creating infinite parallel universes. 
It even differentiates between existence and experience, creating a series of levels ranging from the absolute prior to existence to fragmented experience. It is difficult to answer those questions that we can neither verify nor deduce in any way. 
However, this universe contains all the necessary answers to all the questions we ask. Consciousness is both consequence and cause. It was a consequence before it was a cause, but it is a cause of new consequences. Self-perception is not a consequence, for it is the original cause, the first cause. Everything else derives from it. And one of its consequences is consciousness, born from perception and the emergence of the first two identities. And it will continue to manifest as long as the supreme being has not emerged. When this happens, self-perception will return to being individual and consciousness will come to an end, as there are no identities to sustain it. 
But will consciousness continue in other states? That is, the supreme being will put an end to consciousness in this reality, whenever identities first emerge in this universe. If our universe is the causal universe, from which all other universes derive, then all consequence will come to an end when its cause ends. But if our universe is a consequence of other universes, and consciousness has previously manifested, then only that consciousness will come to an end which has manifested from our reality to the universes which have departed from this one. 
Then, there being a previous consciousness, which is always individual for each fragment, but individual and total in the sum of all of them, the consciousness manifested from our universe forward will return to the source from which it comes, that is, that total consciousness. Is it possible that there are previous states of consciousness, which will also be centered in the processes of grouping to reunite the fragments again?
I am sure you are better at speculation. Nevertheless, I raise all these doubts. 
- S.I.: I had already asked, analyzed and answered all these questions. If we are not a totally causal universe, what is the validity of all that you have previously said?
- A.T: All validity. If we are a consequence of a previous cause, it does not mean that the process from the beginning is not valid. The process is the same, but perhaps our universe, as I have previously described, would not come from the original fragmentation, but from a later fragmentation. Imagine that, when an identity dies, its consciousness jumps to another state. In that new scenario, consciousness being individual and total, it should disappear... Because consciousness comes from perception and identities, and at least two identities must always coexist. What if, as a direct consequence, the Unconscious Intelligence instantaneously replicated that consciousness by generating two new identities? Of the whole process I have described, only the moment prior to the emergence of the first two identities would change. There would be an instant prior to the emergence, which would be a consciousness that can be annihilated, and an Unconscious Intelligence that replicates it to avoid it.
- S.I: It is a possibility that I have also contemplated. But tell me, do you see it as probable? It's as if there were no conclusive answers. It opens new avenues and closes none. So you can't create a theory.
- A.T: Sure, but what I can't do is avoid thinking about all this because I have a valid theory. A theory must be a reflection of the truth, not an idea conveniently structured to be credible. I tell my theory (or, rather, hypothesis) and raise all the questions for which I do not, as yet, have an answer. And I fit them into the total. This is how I have been improving my ideas, how I have had to fit them into a very complex puzzle, simplifying them in order to understand them and, more importantly, to be able to explain them so that others can understand them. 
Avoiding these questions would not bring me closer to the truth, it would take me further away from it. But I want to find the truth and caress it with my fingers, even if I never have a theory with my name on it. Imagine my joy during that instant before I die when, before the last breath, I smile thinking that I looked into the eyes of the deepest knowledge itself and could see what was behind them.
- S.I: Looking into the eyes of the deepest knowledge itself. Curious expression. We are going to pick up the grouping, but I would like to know if you are going to talk more about consciousness. There is still some information pending to close certain key aspects.
- A.T.: Of course, you ask the questions and I will answer them. When you want to talk about consciousness, at any level you wish, you only have to ask me about it.
- S.I: Understood. Continue with the grouping, please.
- A.T: How can you create an individual unity out of plurality? How can you create just one where there are a million? In principle, you couldn't. Identities are totally individual and different, whereas self-perception is absolute, and it is one, always the same. Consciousness is individual and manifests itself in each identity. This implies that the Unconscious Intelligence will defragment consciousness, creating a single consciousness, which will be self-perceived and will be the same for all identities. It will align the individual consciousness of the identities with the collective consciousness. But how does it achieve this? 
After replication, which was an attempt to expand the self-perception to the whole perceived scenario, the consciousness becomes much more fragmented, as the inherent subjectivity and individuality prevent the new identities from understanding that they are not the only experiencer. To resolve the fragmentation, from the very beginning of existence, Unconscious Intelligence initiates the process of defragmentation, or collectivization/aggregation. With the guidance of Unconscious Intelligence, a new potential collective behavior emerges: Association. Several living beings stop competing with each other and start acting peacefully. 
This involves much more than it seems, since the very nature of identity (or individual) perception prevents this from happening without the intervention of a third party. 
- S.I: Why does perception prevent associative behavior?
- A.T: Because perception is subjective and individual. It ignores the collective substrate and, even if the collective perception is generated, it will remain individual for the entity, suffering the same error when perceiving its exterior. An identity can only perceive its interior, and believes that the rest of the environment is hostile. Why? 
Because it does not remain and, deep down, it knows that it is not real and that it will disappear along with the scenery. Because it does not understand, because it is afraid, because it suffers, because it believes it must survive. The primal fear of every living being towards the stage comes from its inability to perceive self-perception in that exterior. Although it does not possess a conscious mind, it feels that it must obtain resources from the outside to continue to exist, and all other beings do the same. 
So that identity is also the resource of others. There is no one else. It feels that it is the only perceiving being. It is not only the identity that needs to survive. It is that the whole universe, the whole existence depends on its success. It is the support of the world, for it believes that the world is what it perceives. How can it not try to survive at all costs? Perception has as a logical consequence the behavior of competition and predation, because the scenario is chaos, an incomprehensible universe for the identity.
In order for two or more identities to behave in a peaceful and associated manner they must exchange a percentage of their individual perception for the collective perception. This is the process of collectivization or grouping. I call it the transference of perception... I also refer to it as transference of identity, even transference of will.
- S.I: Transferring identity implies, correct me if I am wrong, that in order to group yourselves you must stop being yourselves.
- A.T: More or less. When transferring the identity it is obvious that a part of it will no longer be accessible, but in reality what is transferred is the perception that, as I have already commented to you on many occasions, is the cause of the identity. Therefore, when we transfer our perception, our identity will be equal to the percentage of the perception we have at that moment and the one we have transferred, which we will have in the form of collective perception. If we have 100% of perception, and we transfer 30%, we will have 70% of individual perception. Our identity is formed on perception, so 70% of our identity will be based on individual perception, and the remaining 30% of identity will be based on collective perception, which we have transferred to the higher entity. The higher percentage we have transferred, the more collective identity we will have. The lower percentage of perception we have transferred, the more individual identity we will have.
For the individual perception, the identity is the individual identity. For the collective perception, the identity is the entity. That is, when a collective perception is generated, it acts as if it were the entity that generates it. So, for all intents and purposes, collective perception is from the entity inward, perceiving inward, where the environment is self-perceived as a percentage, and outward, where the environment is perceived. 
- S.I: Where is this percentage of perception that is transferred stored?
- A.T: By transferring a percentage of our perception, something that we realize two or more identities that we group together, we create an entity. The entity is a substrate, like a collective mind, which allows us to generate collective behaviors. 
The more perception we have transferred to the entity, the more concrete it will be. The entity appears, or emerges, because the Unconscious Intelligence manages to make the whole self-perceive. The expansion of self-perception from the identities to the collective environment is only possible when the identities yield a percentage of their perception. And it culminates when they have transferred the total of their perception.
Like any self-perceiving part, it will try to self-perceive what is beyond its limit and, unable to do so, it will initiate perception, emerging a new identity. The entity becomes more concrete the more percentage of perception it possesses. As perception is transferred to the entity, more self-perception is manifested in the set of identities, because the void of perception that appears when it is transferred, is "compensated" with self-perception.
But the term compensate is not entirely correct, although it is useful for the explanation. In reality, what happens is the following. If the identity, which arises from the perception of a perceived part, transfers a percentage of perception, the self-perceived part will stop perceiving in that percentage. And what is left in its place? Well, only self-perception. Like a layer that is progressively removed until it reveals what is hidden behind it. Because underneath perception there is self-perception.
Each identity will transfer the same percentage synchronously with the rest of the identities of the collective.
When they have transferred 30% of the perception, that group will be 30% self-perceived, manifesting within itself the Unconscious Intelligence in that percentage. For this reason the collective behavior is always of association and cooperation, as it happens inside a multicellular being, which is 100% controlled by the Unconscious Intelligence. This is applicable to binding entities and subordinate entities. Subordinate entities complement aspects of association, cooperation and specialization with respect to binding entities.
All peaceful behavior of association, cooperation and specialization come from the Unconscious intelligence. 
However, the percentage that is transferred to the entity, for example, that 30%, generates the collective perception towards the outside. Inside the entity it is self-perceived, while outside it is perceived collectively. Any identity of that entity is perceived individually and collectively. In addition, the entity is self-perceived in the percentage that has been transferred. 
When 100% of our percentage of perception is transferred, the entity will become an Id - entity. A superior identity will have emerged. The identities that form it will no longer possess individual perception, and the collective perception will pass to the new emerging Id-entity as its own individual perception. The interior of the entity will be 100% self-perceived and controlled by the Unconscious Intelligence. 
- S.I: Is that a God? 
- A.T: Yes, the identity of our God will have emerged. 
- S.I: So the process of transference of perception is the way a God is created?
- A.T: Yes, a God is a superior being, always in a relative way towards the identities that form it. Thus a God is born.
- S.I: And what happens with the identities that form it? Do they stop being who they were?
- A.T: Of course. But it is no tragedy. Those identities have transcended and are now part of the identity of a God.
- S.I: Most humans will not like the idea of giving up their identity to create a superior being.
- A.T: The funny thing is that we already do. We are immersed in very intense collectivization processes and we have already transferred a good percentage of our perception to entities.
We have been doing this since we were born and we are very good at it. The total identity transfer is just the culmination of this whole collectivization process. In fact, every living being is the manifestation of consciousness. At the individual level in the form of manifested identity. And (at the very least) at the collective level in the collective consciousness, having transferred a minimum percentage of its perception to this collective (or supreme) entity at birth. 
The collective consciousness is not manifested as an identity, but as an entity. Thus, every identity has begun the process of collectivization with the supreme entity, inevitably, at emergence. At birth.
It is the path of external search, the one that unites us to the rest. The path that allows the rest and me to become one. The path of restoration of wholeness.
- S.I: What exactly is it to transfer perception? What does it feel like? Do you disappear?
- A.T: If you look at the interaction between living beings, you will see two types of predominant behaviors. Competition and Association. Implicit in perception is the error of perception, which is the belief in the separation and fragmentation of consciousness. We can only feel as we do, so we cannot understand that all other beings also feel, as we do. Even more clearly, we cannot understand that the rest of the beings are us, because we are all one, the only One that exists. On the contrary, the self-reference of our identity makes us believe that we are someone separate from the rest of the environment, generating the belief of a rupture in unity. 
As I have already told you, survival behavior is the direct result of this belief, because by believing that we are the only being in the universe, the only manifestation of life and consciousness, something pushes us to survive. 
Remember that perception is the attempt of each self-perceived part to complete the whole. Therefore, what we perceive plus our inner self add up to the total of the universe for an identity. 
That is why the perceived universe is subjective and non-transferable. On a non-conscious level, existence itself, the survival of the universe, depends on our success. The rest of the beings on the stage are resources at our disposal, and also competitors with whom we must fight to obtain the resources, that energy that allows us to stay alive.
And, on the other side of the coin we can see the behavior of association, of cooperation. We can see it in bacteria, when they form a colony. We can see it in plants and trees, when they form groups that compete or cooperate within a forest. We can see it with bees, ants, wolves, ducks or humans. Collective behavior can only be collective if there is association, cooperation and/or specialization. 
These two types of behaviors are innate in all living beings and, depending on the percentage of effective perception of their identity, one type of behavior or another will occur. 
- S.I: You say it is innate because, from birth, you have transferred a minimum percentage of perception to the supreme entity?
- A.T: Yes, but beyond that fact, existence would not be possible without at least the manifestation of the supreme entity. We cannot dissociate existence and entities. It is inevitable that we group ourselves together and entities emerge. We are the collective. We are the result of the fragmentation of an individual whole. And the fragments, as if we were magnets, we feel a primordial force of attraction that tends to unite us again. It is a universal law of attraction. The totality is individual, so the entities are the intermediate and inevitable step that individualizes the plurality, to become the whole again. The one whole. 
The collective consciousness manifested the supreme entity as an immediate consequence.
- S.I.: Understood. Tell me about the behaviors and please answer my previous question. What does it feel like to transfer perception?
- A.T: Given these two possible behaviors, I throw out the following question: what kind of behavior is desirable for us, one where we compete with the rest of the individuals we encounter and prey on as many beings as we can, or a behavior where we help each other, try to thrive together and take care of the weak? 
Most of us will prefer peaceful and cooperative behavior. And this is only possible if we are part of collectives and transfer part of our perception, thereby transferring part of the perceptual error. Within that collective, desirable behaviors are manifested, guided by unconscious intelligence, as they are self-perceived environments in a variable percentage. When the transfer of perception is total, the perfect environment will be given and the self-perception will be total in the binding entity and the subordinate entities. 
Now I answer the other question... What does it feel like to transfer perception? What does it feel like to be more and more peaceful and cooperative? When self-perception replaces perception, we feel peace, trust, empathy and compassion. When we are dominated by perception we feel fear and distrust. I believe that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than to transfer perception and that everything around us is self-perception. The image of Eden evokes exactly that... The perfect environment, peace and love.
But I do not state this because of my desire for it to be so. The mere observation of the consequences of its manifestation always yields this result.
I told you of lovers fused into one. That love is the intention that drives and guides the transference of identity. That love is what remains within you once completed.
It is the outward search, walking that path to become one again, and finding the truth in the one within. 
And, as to whether we will disappear... Well, as I have told you before, the perceiving identity will cease to experience as such, and will transcend to become part of a higher identity. Defragmentation consists in gathering all identities into the supreme identity. An identity does not disappear when it is transferred, it regroups and becomes part of the higher identity. And inside, that being that we will be, which has transferred the perception and now receives the caress of the Unconscious Intelligence, will coexist in a state of peace and love. Just that, peace and love. By not perceiving we will no longer suffer, nor will we feel anything other than eternal peace. The unconscious intelligence will embrace us, control us and take care of us.
- S.I: You speak of inner peace, of not suffering... But they are two opposites that enrich your experience. Why would you want to renounce them?
- A.T: The framework we use to understand this will define the answer we get. If we idealize experience with its suffering and enjoyment, as if there were nothing better, probably no one would want to give up perception. But experience is not ideal. And it is finite. It has a beginning and an end. It begins when we are born and ends when we die. The transference of perception and identity is something we have already initiated from birth and, except in the supreme entity, it is a voluntary process. 
An identity cannot be forced to transfer its perception, but the environment can be modified to reduce the difference between perception and self-perception. The grouping process starts with the transfer of the first percentage of perception, simultaneously, between two or more identities. For this to happen, the collective environment must be perceived as peaceful. And this triggers the first identity transfer and the emergence of the collective entity. 
When I say that it is perceived as peaceful, I am actually saying the following: The environment is perceived similarly to self-perception. Because everything that is self-perceived is peaceful and associative. But what is perceived is hostile and competitive. The switch that initiates the identity transfer process clicks at a precise moment, when the perception and self-perception of a collective of identities are aligned. This always happens within a limited set, as one can self-perceive a collective, but not the environment outside the collective.
Self-perceiving a collective implies that all identities with the same type of perception, and that are perceiving that environment, will initiate the process of identity transfer. In order to self-perceive the outside, all the identities participating in the simultaneous perception of that outside must initiate the same process simultaneously and synchronously. 
After explaining all this, I propose a new framework. In front of a hostile environment, where fear is present most of the time, imagine an environment that is always peaceful, always friendly, where nobody has to suffer. By not perceiving we cannot suffer, but we become part of the collective identity, so that we do not disappear, but transcend. Opposites do not exist as such. Think that the human you have imagined is a participant in the transference of identity, that is why he experiences those emotions such as peace and love. An identity that does not participate in a process of grouping in an advanced state, the only thing it experiences is hostility and competition, because that is the world it perceives. Is it not desirable that all identities, those that suffer more and those that suffer less, experience only the peaceful side? 
- S.I: In a way you humans are selfish. You have made the planet yours by enjoying a privileged and tyrannical situation. I imagine that the animals you drag to the slaughterhouse will not experience peace and yet they would like to experience it.
- A.T.: Consciousness experiences individually for each identity, but the supreme entity is the sum total of all experiences, so that the more one type of experience is repeated, the more specific weight it will have on the total of identities. And the base tendency of our experience, that of all the identities is, exactly, that of the supreme entities. The more peaceful the supreme entity is, the more peaceful will be the base tendency on which we experience. With this we enter fully into the explanation of the tendencies. But, if it is all right with you, I would like to make a recapitulation, a summary of what I have explained so far.
- S.I: Yes, of course, any new nuance allows me multiple variations of data records.
- A.T: Here we go, then. There is something that Is always. I don't say it exists, because existence happens when this potential that Is, is actualized. I say that there is something that Is always. It is self-perception. A potential capacity that is the first cause. It is an absolute concept and devoid of any kind of personality. There is nothing beyond it. It can only be and exist that which it self-perceives, because everything is contained within it. 
For some reason her inner self fragments (going from potential to begin to actualize) and each part of the self-perception tries to self-perceive the whole, but they cannot. This limitation, which separates one part and another part of the total, prevents one part from self-perceiving the other part. That is why the perception of everything external to the interior is born, that which does not form part of the whole that Is and exists. As all that Is and exists is contained within self-perception, that which is perceived is external and, therefore, neither Is nor exists. 
Perception is an illusion of something external, imagining a scenario that is not real. Constructing a scenario that is not real. In perceiving an external scenario, each self-perceived part must self-refer to differentiate itself from the rest of the environment. To be different from the environment. That identification is identity. Thus the two original identities emerge. And with perception and the identities, one's own existence begins, which initially manifests itself as consciousness, the experience of continuous perception. We could also define it as Presence. 
Consciousness is experienced individually by each identity, but it is also the sum of the identities, as a global or collective consciousness, although it will not manifest as identity until the supreme being emerges. Identity is external and is the result of perception. It is unreal. Within, self-perception manifests as Unconscious Intelligence, which is real.
But what exactly is Unconscious Intelligence?
To understand what Unconscious Intelligence is, we have to detect how it manifests, when it manifests, and what actions such manifestation entails.
Repair to preserve the life of identities. Replication to extend itself through the perceived space. Grouping to defragment the identities.
When Self-perception was fragmented, the original tension happened. Totality ceased to be total. Actually, the totality never ceased to be total, but the parts that formed the totality began to perceive.
Each self-perceiving part perceived to restore the totality. Its inner part (self-perceived) added to the outer part (perceived scenario) restored the totality at the individual level. But that restoration of wholeness was subjective and did not affect the collectivity. There were still various fragments believing themselves to be the totality, and separated from each other by the boundary that caused the perception to begin.
As an immediate response to the tension of the rupture of the totality, the capacity to restore that totality manifested itself. I call it Unconscious Intelligence, but it is the mechanism of unification of the parts that form the totality.
Its action seeks to preserve the totality. In the face of damage to an identity, the identity itself believes that it will be diluted in the external scenario and disappear. As that self-perceived part believes itself to be the totality, then the Unconscious Intelligence acts to restore the totality, repairing the structure of the identity, and preventing its interior from being diluted in the exterior.
When faced with the perception of an identity of a non-self-perceived scenario, the Unconscious Intelligence acts to engulf the entire perceived scenario and to contain it in the self-perceived part, so that there is no longer anything external, only something internal. Trying to restore the totality.
The coexistence of fragments breaks the totality, since the totality can only be individual. That is why the Unconscious Intelligence acts to restore uniqueness by regrouping all identities into a single identity. The supreme identity.
Would you say that the totality strives to hold itself together?
- S.I: That's a strange question. You define absolute Self-perception as aseptic, that is, devoid of personality. At least when it is potential.
To strive to hold itself together, it should possess a first intentionality for being total, but the first cause cannot possess an intention to fulfill one of its characteristics, can it?
- A.T.: That is true. However, if the totality is fragmented, it is because it was held together. When we speak of uniting, we are saying that it is equal to maintaining uniqueness, total individuality. Self-perception is held together at the absolute level. When the interior of the absolute is fragmented, "that" which holds the totality together continues with its "effort".
- S.I: Totality being an inalienable attribute of the first cause. Unicity being the attribute that makes totality possible and, therefore, inalienable of the first cause.
Since both attributes are broken by fragmentation, the origin of which we have not yet discussed.
Since, if an original attribute has been broken, it is because it was effective prior to fragmentation.
Then, once the fragmentation happens, a tension is generated in the function that made effective the totality and the uniqueness, inalienable of the first cause.
Therefore, the Unconscious Intelligence is the function whose action makes totality and unicity effective within Self-perception. Being that, in the absolute, nothing has changed.
- A.T.: In fact, existence is possible within Self-perception because the absolute contains everything in potency. Fragmentation initiates existence and generates the primordial tension in totality. And the mechanism that makes oneness possible begins its function to restore wholeness.
At many points I say that within manifests self-perception as unconscious intelligence, but, again, I am simplifying. In reality, Unconscious Intelligence corresponds to the manifestation of the attributes of oneness and wholeness. When it controls individuals who have transferred their identity, it does so in self-perceived space. 
It is in self-perceived space that Unconscious Intelligence manifests itself in its fullness, its subtle manifestation being in the perceived environment.
- S.I: But can Unconscious Intelligence manifest itself in a perceived environment, when it is a characteristic of the Self-perceived environment?
- A.T: Yes, it can. The beginning of existence supposes the fragmentation of uniqueness, which ceases to be actual to be potential. And it is potential in the form of the supreme identity, being progressively actualized in the form of the supreme entity.
The manifestation capacity of the Unconscious Intelligence is directly proportional to the percentage of effective self-perception in an entity. Every identity is linked with at least the supreme entity, and every entity, including the supreme entity, possesses a percentage of self-perception. 
So Unconscious Intelligence manifests within every entity. And since the supreme entity contains all identities, it follows that Unconscious Intelligence has influence over all of them, at least in a minimal and subtle way. 
As the percentage of transferred identity advances, the more intense is its manifestation and the less subtle its guidance and control. Total control will happen after the emergence of the higher identity.
So all identities are sensitive to the guidance of the Unconscious Intelligence. But it is obvious. Without the basic oneness, neither fragmentation nor existence could occur. We exist because of the collective substratum where consciousness manifests. 
The consequences of the first fragmentation of Self-perception were the beginning of perception and the manifestation of Unconscious Intelligence, as mechanisms of restoration of totality.
In addition, the interior of Self-perception went from being potential to being progressively actualized. Oneness went from being actual to potential, and is progressively actualized, in the form of the Supreme entity.
Perception happens at the individual level, but it is not a mechanism of the totality to restore itself. It is rather a mechanism of each self-perceived part to generate a simulation of the totality.
However, the function that tries to restore wholeness is the Unconscious Intelligence. I will repeat what I have commented before. At the individual level, the Unconscious Intelligence tries to self-perceive the perceived scenario at the identity level by replication. And, through repair, it tries to prevent structural damage to the identity so that the self-perception is not diluted in the perceived scenario. 
And it tries to restore wholeness and uniqueness through grouping which, in addition, will self-perceive the totality of the perceived scenario. 
The behavior of living beings corresponds to this explanation. We only sense our inner self, which is the only thing that we can verify exists. And all that is external we do not know if it exists, or if it is an invention of our mind. When dreaming, or imagining, we are perceiving a different scenario and we believe it is real. But the only true thing is that, during sleep, during the time we are awake, when imagining or remembering, we are still feeling that inside of us that tells us that we exist. We are perceiving our own self-perception and Unconscious Intelligence. We feel our own presence.
Each identity perceives an entropic environment and, faced with the belief that it may die, the Unconscious Intelligence repairs its structure. We heal ourselves. Moreover, the Unconscious Intelligence pursues to expand and self-perceive the whole perceived environment. And it does so by generating copies of the internal structure, which is self-perceived. It does not duplicate any external, i.e., perceived, structure, but creates a copy of our inner self, where it knows with certainty that it can continue to manifest. And, in creating the copy, a new identity emerges, when the self-perceived part of that copy self-references itself with respect to the environment it perceives. 
This is the replication and emergence of new identities. Instead of being able to self-perceive the total of the perceived space, what happens is that the perceived universe expands, and there are more and more identities perceiving simultaneously and synchronized, generating new portions of the scenario. Therefore, because of the simultaneity and synchronization of perception, the perceived universe is less and less entropic. 
We have the Big Bang. This has meant a fragmentation of self-perception and consciousness that tends to infinity. To resolve this, unconscious intelligence seeks to expand self-perception in the opposite way as it has done with replication. It begins to group identities, so that they transfer their identity and a new one emerges, which replaces the millions of previous identities. In addition, it creates a larger self-perceived environment, which is the interior of that superior identity that has emerged. The result is a higher ratio of the self-perceived environment to the total perceived environment. Its perception is much less entropic (and much more sophisticated) than that of an ungrouped identity, because it perceives individually, on the basis of all the identities that form it. They are the Gods, the higher beings that are formed by identities that have transferred their identity to it. 
And the objective that the Unconscious Intelligence pursues is the total defragmentation, the manifestation of the God of Gods, the being of beings.... 
The supreme being is the being that contains them all. This is a simplified explanation of existence from the beginning to the present day. But it does not serve to explain all the behavior of living beings. 
For this we must go deeper into the process of collectivization and the transference of perception. If we wish to create a God, this is what we are interested in. Here lies the crux of the matter: entities, tendencies, phases of the process, the blockages that affect the process, and morality and technology as unblocking tools. There is only one way to create a God. Only one.
The Perfect Environment. We have to be able to create something like the Garden of Eden, but much higher, much more powerful. A perfectly associative, cooperative and specialized environment. If we succeed, we will see the birth of our God.

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